Decision Ref:
Delegated Decisions
The Commissioner has noted the decisions and actions undertaken or proposed to be undertaken by officers of the PCC in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation.
Date of Decision:
18th June 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
delegated-decisions-18.06.18Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Application
The Commissioner has established a Community Action Fund
Date of Decision:
13th June 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-21-CAF-Applications 2018-21-Appendix-ADecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Joint Audit & Ethics Committee Membership
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have:
Agreed to the extension of the contract for each of the existing members of the Joint Audit and Ethics Committee until 31st March 2022;
Authorised the Director, in conjunction with the Constabulary’s Director of Resources, to commence the appointment of a Chair of the Committee (with effect from 1st January 2019).
Should an existing Committee member become Chair of the Committee, then the PCC and Chief Constable are recommended to:
Authorise the Director, in conjunction with the Constabulary’s Director of Resources, to undertake recruitment of one of the additional members to the Committee if required.
Date of Decision:
14th June 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-20-JAEC-MembershipDecision Maker:
PCC & CCDecision Ref:
2017/18 Financial Position as at 31st March 2018
The Commissioner has noted the report.
Date of Decision:
5th June 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Outturn ReportDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Development of a local business case for future fire governance arrangements.
Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Minimum Revenue Provision 2017/18
The Commissioner has:
Approved the amended MRP policy statement as set out in Annex 1 to the report; and
Notes the impact of the change in MRP policy on the 2017/18 revenue budget position.
Decision Ref:
Appointment of a Data Protection Officer
The Commissioner has appointed a Data Protection Officer for the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Office
Date of Decision:
23rd May 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-16-Appendix-1 2018-16-Appointment-of-a-DPODecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Sponsorship of Community Group Award – Asian Image Fusion Awards 2018
The Commissioner has approved the sponsorship of this award
Date of Decision:
23rd May 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted, as it contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Provision of Solar Panels at Headquarters
The Commissioner has noted the report and agreed to the loan application as detailed in the report.
Date of Decision:
23rd May 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-14-Solar-PanelsDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Pension Forfeiture
The Commissioner has considered the application for the forfeiture of a police pension in respect of a former Police Officer, as set out in the report and appendices.
Date of Decision:
31st July 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Recovery Days
The Commissioner has signed the Deed of Grant to facilitate the delivery of Constabulary’s Recovery Days programme.
Date of Decision:
11th May 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Police & Fire Governance Options Report
The Commissioner:
1. Has welcomed the independent options review as attached at Appendix 1
2. Will proceed to the development of the full draft and final local business case for both the governance model and single employer model.
3. Will undertake full public consultation on the draft local business case once available
4. Has noted the indicative timeline of activity.
Date of Decision:
8th May 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-11-ADDENDUM 2018-11-app-1-2 2018-11Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Forfeiture of Pensions: Procedures
The Commissioner has approved and implemented the procedure for the Forfeiture of Pensions
Date of Decision:
17th May 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-10-1 2018-10-App-1 2018-10-App-2 2018-10-procedureDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Amendments to Standing Orders Relating to Contracts
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have approved the changes to the Standing Orders relating to contracts.
Date of Decision:
2nd May 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2017-56-Standing-Orders Standing-OrdersDecision Maker:
PCC & CCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Applications
The Commissioner has established a Community Action Fund
Date of Decision:
27th April 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-09 2018-09-App-ADecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Criteria
The Commissioner has amended the criteria of the fund by increasing the reserves limit to £25,000 and the grant maximum to £3,000.
Decision Ref:
Social Value Toolkit
The Commissioner has approved the attached Appendix to the Procurement Strategy (Appendix B) with immediate effect.
Date of Decision:
26th April 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-07 2018-07-app-bDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Pension Forfeiture
The Commissioner has considered the application for the forfeiture of a police pension in respect of a former Police Officer, as set out in the report and appendices.
Date of Decision:
15th June 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Public Cyber Crime and Online Fraud Awareness Campaign – Contract Award
The Commissioner has awarded the contract for the provision of a public cyber-crime and online fraud awareness campaign to the organisation named in the report.
Decision Ref:
Section 22A Collaboration Agreement for the Delivery of Three National Units
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have signed the Section 22 Collaboration Agreement for the delivery of three national units.
Date of Decision:
19th April 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
PCC & CCDecision Ref:
Decision Making Arrangements
The Commissioner has reviewed the report and agreed the proposals set out therein
Date of Decision:
19th April 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-03-App-1 2018-03-App-2 2018-03Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Section 22A Collaboration Agreement in relation to the Modern Slavery Police Transformation Fund
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have signed a Section 22A Collaboration Agreement in relation to the Modern Slavery Police Transformation Fund.
Date of Decision:
17th April 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-02Decision Maker:
PCC & CCDecision Ref:
Renewal of Insurance for the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
The Commissioner has approved the renewal terms as set out in this report for the period from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.
The Commissioner has noted that the maximum premium for 12 months cover is £878,831, however, elements of cover are still under review and the final cost might be lower than this amount.
The Commissioner has noted that the increase in Insurance Premium Tax from 10% to 12% has been incorporated into the cost of the renewal.