The Office of the PCC

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) supports the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in his work.

The team helps the PCC to deliver the Police and Crime Plan and other statutory duties. As a result, work falls broadly into the following:

  • Criminal justice, victims commissioning and partnerships;
  • Standards, ethics and scrutiny;
  • Communications and community engagement;
  • Office management, support and case work;
  • Strategic contracting and treasury management;
  • Collaborations and partnerships.

There are currently 20 members of staff in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire (this figure excludes the PCC)

The gender breakdown of the OPCC is 15 females and 5 males (excluding PCC)

To the knowledge of the OPCC, 2 staff member is of an ethnic minority

3 members of staff at the OPCC have declared that they consider themselves to have a disability. 2 members of staff are undeclared.

*Updated as of the 11/9/2024 (currently under recruitment)

Support provided by the Constabulary

Currently staff within Lancashire Constabulary undertake roles and functions on behalf of the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, in areas such as finance, invoice payments, estates, ICT and HR. These functions are identified within the agreed Scheme of Delegation/Consent.

The pay multiple

The ‘pay multiple’ is the ratio between the highest-paid salary and the median average salary of the whole of the workforce.

The ratio for Lancashire Constabulary now stands at 5.4, the ratio for PCC staff stands at 2.82.

These are the figures as at 31.3.2024

Senior Employee Information

Information on senior employees, whose salary is in excess of £58,200 per annum can be found on our Senior Employee Information and in our Senior Officers Salaries table.

Please note this will be updated once the office restructure has ben completed.

Staff Organisation Chart

To find out how staff in the PCC office are organised, please take a look at our Staff Organisation Chart.

Policies and Procedures

Find out about policies and procedures of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office.

Land owned or occupied by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

View the list of Land owned or occupied by the Office of the PCC



Find out about current vacancies at the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office.


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The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston

    Anti-Social Behaviour Survey