Scheme of Governance

Policies and Procedures

Record Retention and Disposal Policy

View the Record Retention and Disposal Policy

Risk and Opportunity Management 

View the Risk and Opportunity Management Policy

Information Sharing Policy

View the Information Sharing Policy

Strategic Policing Requirement

View the Strategic Policing Requirement

Social Media Policy

Social media guidelines and rules of engagement

Complaints Procedure

If you would like to raise a complaint against the PCC, the Chief Executive of the Office of the PCC, the Chief Constable, or a member of staff at the Office of the PCC for Lancashire please take a look at our complaints procedure.

Vexatious complaints Policy

Policy for managing with Vexatious complaints can be found here

Whistle Blowing Policy

A statement of policy in relation to the handling of qualifying disclosures (a “whistleblowing” process for employees of the Office of the PCC)

Diversity and Inclusion Commitment

A statement of policy in relation to the commitment to diversity and inclusion in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Anti Fraud & Corruption Policy

View the Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy.

Succession Planning 

View the Police and Crime Commissioner’s succession planning arrangements. 

Appropriate Policy

View the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Appropriate Policy

Joint Procurement Strategy

View the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Joint Procurement Strategy

The Code of Practice for Victims

The revised Victims’ Code (December 2013) lists out the key entitlements that victims of criminal conduct are entitled to and is available to download on the GOV.UK website. You can give feedback about the code by submitting our feedback form.

The Witness Charter

The Witness Charter sets out how you can expect to be treated by the police if you are witness to a crime or incident and if you are asked to give evidence in a criminal court.


National Fraud Initiative 2016

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire is required by law to protect the public funds it administers.

Estate Strategy

The Estates-General OR was undertaken in 2010 by the Estates Department. A rationalisation process was created to identify properties which were not fit for modern-day policing methods and expensive/inefficient to run.

Procurement Strategy

Procurement is one of the key areas in supporting the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable in the Constabulary’s overall approach to the delivery of operational policing.

Social Value Policy

The Office of The Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire (OPCC) and Lancashire Constabulary recognises the important role they can play in enabling sustainable development through their procurement and commissioning activity.

Social Media

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What you have to say is important to us. If you would like to comment on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire you can write to:

The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston

    Anti-Social Behaviour Survey