
Procurement and Contracts

Invitations to Tender / Invitations to Quote

Expression of Interests

Tendering procedures

Please use the link below to view the PCC Scheme of Governance/Consent relating to tendering procedures used by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire.

A guide to tendering procedures – PCC Scheme of Governance/Consent

Procurement Strategy

The aims of the Procurement Strategy are to ensure that we achieve value for money, whilst promoting the local economy where practicable and to ensure that the Constabulary is equipped to meet its operational needs whilst ensuring that the Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner are not exposed to unnecessary risk.

Social Value Policy

The Social Value Policy outlines what both the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire (OPCC) and the Lancashire Constabulary are seeking to achieve for Lancashire’s residents and communities through social value. View the full Social Value Policy.

Statement of Intent – Modern Slavery

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) came into force in July 2015 and it consolidates previous offences relating to slavery and human trafficking. It includes a provision for transparency in supply chains that requires all businesses with an annual turnover of £36 million or more to disclose, in an annual slavery and human trafficking statement on their website, what steps they have taken during the financial year to ensure their business and supply chains are slavery-free. For further information a round this please refer to our statement of intent.

Contracts awarded

Information about contracts awarded can be found on our contacts page. This includes contracts over and under £10,000.


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What you have to say is important to us. If you would like to comment on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire you can write to:

The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston