21st March 2024

Commissioner Snowden brings together business leaders to discuss tackling cyber criminals

The roundtable saw 14 people from policing, local government and business, and Universities to share their unique views and knowledge on cyber security, to inform the policing response on disrupting online crime.

Commissioner Snowden hosted the roundtable to outline his focus on tackling online crime, recognising the importance of prevention and sharing of best practice, in supporting the proactive enforcement that is being delivered by Lancashire Constabulary.

It follows an investment of £150k through Commissioner Snowden’s Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, to provide up to 250 small and medium size businesses with vital support to protect against the growing risk of cyber threats, spot the signs of a cyber-attack, and importantly be equipped to respond if they were to fall victim.

Through the Lancashire Cyber Support Programme, delivered by the North West Cyber Resilience Centre (NWCRC), staff from businesses will receive training on topics like phishing, encryption, website cloning and passwords, and be helped with policy and procedures around cybercrime, alongside one-to-one support.

Andrew Snowden, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire said:

“Today’s discussion has been a productive sharing of the risks facing Lancashire from online criminals, and how through both strong enforcement and investment into preventing victims in the first place, we’re keeping people safe.

“Around 80% of all crime now has a digital element, with my investment into Lancashire Constabulary in teams such as digital investigations, helping us stay one step ahead of those who seek to take advantage of vulnerable people and organisations.

“Crime in the digital space does not respect borders, so we are also stepping up the pressure on offenders wherever we find them by working with partners nationally and internationally.

“Fighting Crime Plan priority to disrupt and dismantle organised crime, as we take the fight to the organised crime gangs that increasingly use digital space as an opportunity to profit from the misery of others.”

The fully funded Lancashire Cyber Security Programme is for any Lancashire-based business, whether you have a small office and multiple devices or you run your business from your home office.

The scheme will launch in June 2024. In the meantime, interested businesses can register their interest in a fully funded place: https://www.nwcrc.co.uk/lancashire

Watch to find out more: https://youtu.be/zCQaFSrukGE

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