27th January 2022

StreetSafe: Local people encouraged to report 'unsafe' areas

Launched by the Home Office and The National Police Chiefs’ Council, the pilot project aims to identify areas that need improving and make the streets safe for everyone, particularly women and girls, and to also identify areas where there are fears surrounding anti-social behaviour and environmental issues.

StreetSafe is easy to use and includes a short series of questions which Lancashire residents can anonymously complete online. It is not a crime reporting tool but aims to pinpoint areas and locations where people feel unsafe and the reasons why, such as harassment, lack of street lighting or signs of drug or alcohol abuse.

Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire Andrew Snowden added: “Identifying areas where people feel unsafe is really important and the StreetSafe tool will help us to understand exactly where these areas are. Together with the information we gather through other research like our Lancashire Talking surveys, Streetsafe will provide us with valuable details to help us target our resources to where they are needed most.

“One of the issues people raise with me time and time again is antisocial behaviour and the impact it has on them. This is why it is the number one priority in my Police and Crime Plan for Lancashire and why I support tools like StreetSafe to help identify hotspots.

“I want Lancashire residents and particularly women and girls to feel safe in our county and I will continue to work with the Constabulary and our partners to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in all its forms.”

Chief Inspector Jill Halliwell from Lancashire Police’s ASB, Prevention and Problem-Solving Command, said: “We are determined to tackle crime and make the streets safer for everyone. A key part of this commitment involves tackling violence against women and girls.

“To do this we are taking into consideration factors that contribute to women and girls feeling unsafe, wherever they are. One way people can help us, is to pinpoint on StreetSafe areas where they feel unsafe and explain why. A crime doesn’t have to have taken place for you to mark it on StreetSafe’s online maps. Information submitted anonymously via Streetsafe will be used by policing in partnership with other agencies to deliver improved wellbeing and safety for communities, especially for women and girls”.

Det Ch Supt Sue Clarke, Head of Lancashire Violence Reduction Network commented: “StreetSafe provides a place anyone can flag, anonymously, the places they feel unsafe and provides reassurance that information will be used by police and partner organisations to make improvements to keep everyone, particularly women and girls, safe. I urge anyone who feels unsafe in a specific place to flag it on the StreetSafe map. It’s easy to do and takes just a few moments of your time. We hope this scheme will provide reassurance to communities that their concerns are being heard and actioned.”

The data submitted through StreetSafe is vital in informing violence prevention initiatives throughout the county.

The StreetSafe pilot is currently scheduled to run until the end of March 2022. For further information visit www.lancashire.police.uk/help-advice/personal-safety/street-safe/.

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