26th April 2023

Lancashire Constabulary Exceeds Government Recruitment Targets

Lancashire Constabulary Chief at kit inspection

Lancashire Constabulary are proudly celebrating after recruiting an additional 612 police officers, many of whom have completed their training and others on their way towards becoming fully-fledged officers, serving alongside their committed colleagues. 

Since September 2019, over 11,000 applications were submitted to join as a Police Officer on one of the 5 different entry routes into policing that Lancashire Constabulary offer. 


Andrew Snowden, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire said: 

“I’m delighted that we have exceeded our Police Uplift recruitment target in Lancashire, with 612 additional officers now either recruited, in training or already out taking the fight to criminals. I also want to thank the Constabulary for all their work in getting us to this point, with teams from HR to vetting to the training school and numerous others.


“It represents an exciting time for policing in Lancashire as more and more officers gain the knowledge and experience to make a real difference in the fight against crime across the county, with visible, community focused policing making people and the communities they live and work in safer.


“I continue to meet more new recruits when out with officers on the beat and seeing the difference they are already starting to make, with the bolstering of neighbourhood teams and more proactive policing capability already being put into our communities, there really will be no place to hide for criminals who operate here in Lancashire.


“It’s through these new recruits and my close work with the Chief Constable that we will see the best possible use of additional resources coming into Lancashire, tackling anti-social behaviour, disrupting criminal gangs and delivering on the other key priorities in my Fighting Crime Plan.” 


Chief Constable Chris Rowley said: “I am pleased we have exceeded our recruitment target and welcome these new officers as they join the Lancashire Police family. I have been able to speak with almost all of these new recruits and am filled with confidence that they will serve the communities of Lancashire to the very highest of standards.


“These new recruits take our police officer headcount to 3,587, who serve the 1.5 million people living in the diverse communities of Lancashire. We are particularly proud that we are the only force to have recruited more female officers and have also increased representation from black and minority ethnicities. It has taken an incredible amount of work to get to this strong position and I know we will reap the benefits in our communities moving forwards.” 


“I wanted to take this opportunity to once again thank all of those different departments who have worked tirelessly and gone above and beyond their daily business to exceed this exceptional target. I would also like to thank all our officers who have chosen to serve in Lancashire. I am delighted to hear about the positive impact they are already making.” 



Recruitment will continue through 2023/24 with a variety of entry routes available to join Lancashire Constabulary.  To find out more, visit joinus.lancashire.police.uk 



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    Anti-Social Behaviour Survey