Hate crime campaign

Let's spell it out. This. Is. Hate.

Hate Crime campaign religion banner

What is hate crime

Any crime or incident which you believe is happening because of race, ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability is a hate crime. You could also be a victim of hate crime if you believe you are being targeted because the offender perceives you to be different in some way.

If you want to find out more about hate crime, the impact it has on victims and what you can do to help you find out more in the ‘Let’s spell it out – This. Is. Hate’ booklet.

Help and support

Anyone affected by hate crime can access support through Lancashire Victim Services.

Chat online at lancashirevictimservices.org
Call 0300 323 0085
Email info@lancashirevictimservices.org

Lancashire Victim Services

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