Grants of up to £3k are available to support organisations that deliver short term diversionary activity projects that target vulnerable young people throughout the summer holiday period.
Commissioner Grunshaw is looking for projects that tackle the problems within their neighbourhoods through prevention, diversion, and intervention
Applications opened on Friday 5th July and close at 8.30am on Monday 15th July.
Clive Grunshaw, Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, said:
“I’m delighted to be able to support grassroot projects driven by the local community to tackle local issues that will make a positive difference across Lancashire, preventing crime and reducing policing demand.
“This could include diverting young people from getting involved in anti-social behaviour, supporting victims and vulnerable people, or programmes and activities to join communities together.
“We know the impact these types of grants can have – providing real value and making neighbourhoods safer, diverting people away from criminality.
“As Commissioner, making Lancashire a safer place to live is my primary aim. This can only be achieved through having strong leadership, a strong police force, and strong deterrents.
Applications from local community groups, organisations, charities and Parish and Town councils must demonstrate how they are working with the local policing team and/or the local Community Safety Partnership.
For more information and the fund and how to apply, visit
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