The current membership of the Joint Audit Committee is shown below:
Mr Stephen Dobson
Mr David Jones
Mr Clive Portman (Chair)
Ms Karol Sanderson (Vice-Chair)
Mr Russ Weaver
The Chief Finance Officers of Lancashire Constabulary and my office attend the Joint Audit Committee meetings, along with internal and external audit representatives, and other senior officers/representatives as required.
The Joint Audit Committee meets four times per year with meetings taking place at County Hall commencing at 1.30 pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend. Future meetings will take place on:
Monday 2nd March 2015
Monday 15th June 2015
Monday 21st September 2015
Monday 7th December 2015
You can view all agenda papers and minutes below. If you would like any further information in respect of the Joint Audit Committee, please contact, in the first instance:
Ian Dickinson
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner – Lancashire
Tel: 01772 533587
Item 14 Risk Management Arrangements: Constabulary – Restricted
Item 15 Risk Management Arrangements: OPCC – Restricted