Joint Audit and Ethics Committee

8th March 2021

Item 1

Apologies for absence

Item 2

Constitutional matters

Item 3

Disclosure of Members’ Interests

Item 4

Minutes of Previous Meeting - 14th December 2020

Item 5

Matters arising relating to audit issues

Item 6

Lancashire Constabulary - Dealing with Fraud

Presentation by Detective Chief Superintendent Ian Whitehead

Item 7

External Audit – Audit Findings Report 2019-2020

Item 8

External Audit – Joint Annual Audit Letter 2020-2021

Item 12

Committee Members Reports

Committee Members will provide verbal updates where appropriate

Item 13

Urgent Business - None

Item 14

Dates of the next and future meetings -

Monday, 21st June 2021
Monday, 13th September 2021
Monday, 13th December 2021
Monday, 14th March 2022

Item 15

Part II - HMICFRS Inspection Reports

Item 16

Ethics Section -
Minutes of the meeting held on 14th December 2020.

See Item 4.

Item 17

Matters arising relating to ethics issues

Item 18

Key issues update

Ian Cosh and Steve Freeman will provide verbal updates to the Committee

Item 21

Ethics issues - TEC workplan

Item 22

Committee Members' Reports

Committee Members will provide verbal reports where appropriate

Item 25

Urgent Business - None

Item 26

Part II - PSD Scrutiny report

Item 27

Part II - Covid Enforcement Activity

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    Anti-Social Behaviour Survey