National Crime and Policing Measures
The Home Office developed a range of national crime and policing measures to help focus policing efforts on key national priorities.
I will use a data-driven approach to hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery against each of these National Crime and Policing Measures, and take collective action to prevent and reduce specified crime types, demonstrating value for money in policing.
The measures are intended to complement local priorities to support reductions in crime and restore the public’s confidence in the criminal justice system.
The six key national policing priorities are:
- Reduce murder and other homicides
- Reduce serious violence
- Disrupt drugs supply and county lines
- Reduce neighbourhood crime
- Tackle cyber crime
- Improve satisfaction among victims with a particular focus on victims of domestic abuse
The measures are kept under review and further crime types may be added in the future.
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The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston