8th April 2022

Police Commissioner thanks Lancashire Youth Commission during 'Big Conversation' conference

The Lancashire Youth Commission on Crime Reduction and Prevention (LYC) was established in late 2020, with 32 young people involved in delivering the peer-led project with youth engagement experts Leaders Unlocked.

Overall, members of the LYC have reached over 2,400 young people across Lancashire through in-person and online workshops, outreach stands, virtual surveys and social media engagement.

As well as feeding back the peer-to-peer engagement of the 6 key priorities through the workshops, the LYC also have been involved in campaigns including around county lines, serious violence, and the visit of the Knife Angel.

Speaking after the event the Commissioner said:

“It’s been really good to hear from the Lancashire Youth Commission as they presented back to partners from across policing and criminal justice and it was also a great opportunity to thank them on behalf of my Office for the work that they have done over the last 18 months, during challenging circumstances through the pandemic.

“As I work to deliver the priorities in my Police and Crime Plan and take the fight to criminals across Lancashire, hearing views from across the county is a key part of my role as the publics voice in policing.

“It is encouraging to see young people getting involved and working to make their communities as safe as they can be and the involvement of organisations across Lancashire who have got involved with the Commission highlights the importance of partnership working to ensure all voices are heard and we deliver what the public want to see from policing.”

Lancashire Youth Commission member Ryan, said at the event:

“The most important thing for me was working with other people my age, on issues that we would never really get to work on before. Normally we would see these things in the news or see them in our friends and family and couldn’t do anything about it, whereas with the Commission we can actually work with the people who can change things”

Kaytea Budd-Brophy – Leaders Unlocked Senior manager

“I am hugely proud of the Lancashire Youth Commission members who have been an amazing group of young people to work with. The members have worked tirelessly at the peer-to-peer engagement with a much larger number of young people through a ‘Big Conversation’ to explore the root causes and potential solutions to the problems young people across Lancashire face. “

“The LYC members presented insightful recommendations at the Conference today to Police and Crime Commissioner, Senior police officers and key decision-makers in Lancashire. Young people are the future and only by listening to their voices can we help bring about positive change and help shape the future of policing and crime prevention.”

Beau Kennedy – Project Coordinator Leaders Unlocked.

“As  Lancashire Youth Commission, Project Co-ordinator I have been blown away by the excellent work that the Youth Commission members have achieved in such a short time and the massive impact this project has had on young people across Lancashire.

“Over the last 18 months, the Lancashire Youth Commission members have had to be resilient to several challenges to accomplish what they have in this time which is a huge testament to their hard work and dedication to their peer-led work. I have been lucky enough to watch the members grow in confidence from the opportunities they have had, such as presenting at the ‘Knife Angel Opening Ceremony’ at Blackburn Cathedral, creating a ‘County Lines’ animation as part of a wider campaign in partnership with the police and so much more. We look forward to seeing the Lancashire Youth Commission’s recommendations being taken forward by the PCC Andrew Snowden, VRN and Lancashire Constabulary”

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