Annual Report 2023 - 2024 - Page 3

Year In Numbers

2023 - 2024

30 more

police officers now fighting crime day in day out

Almost £1m

given out in Grant Funding to help equip communities to take a stand against crime


to target ASB hotspot areas through Op Centurion - 27,633 additional policing hours

Investment in Op Warrior

to relentlessly disrupt and dismantle criminal gangs – 23 gang suspects arrested every single week – over £112k in cash seized every month – 6kg of class A and B drugs taken off our streets every single week

Two dedicated

road policing teams to catch criminals and target dangerous drivers

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What you have to say is important to us. If you would like to comment on the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire you can write to:

The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston

    Anti-Social Behaviour Survey