6th June 2023

£60k seized cash from criminals invested into crime fight

Eight new projects from across the county are being supported, as part of the Commissioner’s Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund.

The fund reopened Spring 2023 welcoming new applications, with projects funded through the Community Fund strand and Police Innovation Fund.

Over £33k is helping deter crime by supporting five local organisations, together with almost £9k provided to three projects via the Police Innovation Fund, which aims to support ideas and innovative ways of working that could make a difference to policing in Lancashire.

A further 18k was also approved outside of the fund, to invest in secure storage of seizures as more ill gotten gains are taken from offenders.

Projects include CCTV, lighting, a shop and pub watch scheme and support for street pastors, alongside projects tackling ASB and preventing people becoming victims.

Since March 2022, the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund has supported a huge range of initiatives aimed at reducing crime and anti-social behaviour in the local community, with 31 projects funded through the Community strand, and over £700k invested across the whole of the Fund since launch.

Andrew Snowden, Police and Crime Commissioner said:

“The first twelve months of my Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund saw cash, seized from criminals, being invested into strong, community focused projects that help deliver my Fighting Crime Plan and make everyone, across the county, safer.

“With local groups delivering projects that target concerns in neighbourhoods, and investment towards innovative policing that keep us one step ahead of criminals, we’re making a positive difference whilst hitting offenders where it hurts, their pockets.

“We have seen how important it is to support local people and neighbourhoods to reduce the risk of crime, prevent victims and the role projects can have when breaking cycles of reoffending.

“As I continue to lead the fight against crime, I will work closely with the Constabulary and partners across Lancashire so that any investment we make delivers value for money and, crucially, positive results that make a lasting difference.”

For more information on the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, visit lancashire-pcc.gov.uk/grant-funding/safer-lancashire-neighbourhoods-fund or email funding@lancashire-pcc.gov.uk


Community Fund:

Higham Parish Council – CCTV – £6000

Hyndburn Borough Council – Shop and Pub Watch – £7180

Lancaster City Council – CCTV – £10000

Stanley Park Skate Park – lighting and designing out crime – £10000

Ormskirk Street Pastors – street pastor training and supplies – £4000

Police Innovation Fund:

Anti motorbike ASB – £628.50

Offender mapping and data improvements – £6,744

Paediatric advanced first aid equipment – £1,596

Proceeds of Crime Funding:

Safe storage of seized cash – £18,480

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