Partnership working

Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is committed to working with a wide range of partners and other agencies to support him in delivering his priorities.

Community safety and tackling issues such as anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse are not exclusively matters for the police, but need the co-operation and support of a wide range of other organisations. As well as working with statutory organisations such as Local Authorities, Fire and Rescue Services, the Probation Trust and the Youth Offending Teams, the Commissioner is also working with voluntary, community and faith organisations to deliver his priorities.

The Commissioner is represented on all the District Community Safety Partnerships and will also either attend or be represented at the Lancashire Community Safety Strategy Group, the Community Safety Partnerships at Blackburn with Darwen and Blackpool and the emerging Area Community Safety Groups.

Working with all three of the Youth Offending Teams the Commissioner has funded a Triage Scheme to reduce the number of first time entrants into the criminal justice system and help to tackle youth re-offending.

Through the Community Safety Fund the Commissioner has supported a wider range of initiatives and schemes that support his priorities which are delivered by partner agencies. This includes funding for Domestic Abuse Services, reducing re-offending programmes and support for those tackling drug and alcohol misuse.

If you require any further information please contact Robert Ruston on 01772 533587.

Achievements to date

The Commissioner is attending or being represented at:

Community Safety Partnerships at Blackburn with Darwen, Blackpool and Area and District Community Safety Partnerships
All three Youth Justice Boards in Lancashire
Lancashire Criminal Justice Board, providing an effective interface to work with criminal justice partners
Reducing Reoffending Board

Police & Crime Commissioner Forum

Established PCC Forum with Local Authority Leaders and Portfolio Holders.


Contributed to community safety partnership funding and established a Community Action fund in order to enable local community groups to tackle concerns and issues at a neighbourhood and district level.
Agreed to provide funding for a Pan Lancashire Youth Triage scheme to reduce reoffending and the number of first time entrants into the Criminal Justice System.
Contributed to the funding of a multi agency initiative to reduce reoffending rates amongst prisoners serving sentences less than 12 months through the “Inside Out” Project.

Rural issues

Engaged with organisations representing both rural issues and businesses in Lancashire to tackle and reduce crime which impacts in these areas.


Developed links with organisations representing Lancashire’s diverse communities to ensure that their views are represented.

Victim Support

Signed up to the 5 Promises in the Victims Pledge.

Ongoing work

  • Contributing to joint commissioning of domestic abuse services, anti social behaviour initiatives, substance misuse funding and community safety analytical services.
  • Working with partners to develop a Pan Lancashire Early Intervention Strategy which addresses up stream prevention as well as current initiatives to improve partnership working in addressing problems which are already impacting upon children, families and communities.
  • Working with partners to deliver a more joined up approach to the delivery of victim services across both statutory and third sector organisations.
  • Working with partners to develop a Pan Lancashire Reducing Reoffending Strategy covering both pre court and post court initiatives to reduce crime and reoffending.
  • Improving the interface between civil and criminal justice, and the efficiency and effectiveness of criminal justice in Lancashire,
  • Working with statutory and non statutory partners to deliver an anti-hate crime strategy for vulnerable groups.