30th March 2023

Police Commissioner visits Barnoldswick to hear crime concerns

During his visit, the Commissioner talked to local representatives and residents to gain a better understanding of the situation, discuss ways that he and partners can and are doing to address the issue.

The Commissioner also acknowledged the efforts of the local Pendle policing team in increasing patrols to target offenders and reassure residents. However, he emphasized that there is still much work to be done in addressing the ongoing concerns.

Andrew Snowden, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire said:

“I heard first hand some of the incidents that people here in Barnoldswick have been experiencing and the impact that it’s had on individuals and the wider area. I wanted listen to concerns and provide some reassurance that action is being taken to tackle this issue and ensure offenders are stopped.

“I am committed to working with partners and the police to tackle the issue of ASB and crime in Barnoldswick and across the county. Our priority is to ensure that people feel safe in their homes and on the streets, and that offenders are brought to justice. Later this year we will see the launch of a new ASB problem solving unit that will address hotspots and local concerns just like this.

“Local officers are working around the clock to protect the public and put a stop to the kind of behaviour that makes life a misery for whole communities, with hundreds of new officers being recruited and trained, set to bolster the fight against crime.”

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