15th August 2023

Police Commissioner backs Chorley Project addressing ASB concerns

This six week project is a partnership between Chorley Neighbourhood Policing Team and Chorley Council, and will see games and sporting activities delivered by PNE Community Foundation Fund and Chorley Football Club.

Utilising police and partner data to identify the key times ASB is happening, diversionary activities for young people are being run throughout the holiday period, when intervention is most needed.

It is hoped this project will reduce ASB and therefore demand upon Lancashire Constabulary, which will mean greater resources available for the community.

The Commissioner backed the project with £3,228 from his Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund, using cash seized from offenders and investing it back into the county to deter crime and keep people safe.

Andrew Snowden, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire said:

“It’s fantastic to see investment being used where we know there have been issues raised. This activity is going into the hotspots where we know young people are, providing them with on the spot activity. By engaging young people and providing them with a positive outlet, breaking down barriers and supporting proactive policing efforts to address local concerns and reduce the risk of asb.

“When I help fund projects like this through the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhood Fund, there is always a poetic irony in using cash seized from criminals and pumping it back into the community they once exploited, helping us fund projects that address root causes of crimes bettering the lives of those in the community.”

Councillor Bev Murray, Executive Member for Early Intervention at Chorley Council said, “As a council we are doing all we can to tackle the pockets of anti-social behaviour in our communities and we’re pleased we are able to be part of this scheme to provide activities for young people. The scheme so far has been really well received.

“Chorley is a wonderful place to live, work and learn, and we hope this scheme and others like this can further reduce the minority of individuals who look to cause issues in our community.”


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