21st June 2023

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner joins East Lancashire school in safer roads mission

As part of his ongoing commitment to promoting road safety and ensuring the well-being of local residents, the Deputy Commissioner often engages with younger members of the community to instil responsible road usage practices from an early age.

Children took part in an interactive session with Mr. Pratt to highlight the dangers of speeding drivers and provide them with key road safety lessons, including using designated crossings and the importance of wearing seatbelts.

Speaking after the visit, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Pratt said:

“Targeting dangerous drivers is a priority in the Police and Crime Plan and an issue that is frequently raised with me as Chair of the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership.

“I often find the best way to engage dangerous drivers is by allowing those nearest to them to explain how these dangers make them feel. Pupils expressed how speeding cars make them feel angry, unsafe and on edge and said they simply wanted drivers to pass their school at the required 20 mph.

“Young people often have the brightest ideas and the hope is that they will share their enthusiasm and learnings with their parents and guardians, creating a ripple effect of safer roads for all.”

Mrs Rachel Wallace, Headteacher, said:

“There is absolutely no doubt that the visit increased the awareness of the pupils with regard to road safety. Not only will they have a greater knowledge of the potential dangers but their understanding will, hopefully, impact upon their parents too. They thoroughly enjoyed the session!”








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