13th January 2023

Deputy PCC joins East Lancs school in targeting dangerous drivers

The image is of Deputy PCC Andy Pratt, local PCSO Rob Dolan, Councillor Jackie Oakes and Northern Primary School School Council next to board with small road safety plan on

Mr Pratt, who is also Chair of the Road safety Partnership, joined Councillor Jackie Oakes and PCSO Rob Dolan in a meeting with school council members as they explained how the school is impacted daily by dangerous and inconsiderate drivers.

Teachers explained how they had tried various measures to combat speeding outside their school but felt further intervention was needed.

DPCC Andy Pratt also took the time to discuss a petition local residents are gathering for action to be taken in the area, meeting with a local resident whose home was driven into by a reckless driver.

Together Mr Pratt, Councillor Oakes, PCSO Dolan and the children have come up with a plan of how they can take steps to tackle dangerous driving. A number of ideas and suggestions were made during the meeting which included changes to road design, enforcement and education such as letters to parents.

Commenting on the visit, Deputy PCC Andy Pratt said:

“It’s been great to work together with the children at Northern Primary School who want to make a change in their area and it is encouraging to know residents are keen to work together with organisations to help resolve the issue.

“The police cannot tackle this issue alone, we need help from everyone from road users to parents who drop their children off at the school.

“Targeting dangerous drivers is a Police and Crime Plan priority and days such as today are important for raising awareness of road safety and bringing people together to make a proactive change”.

Headteacher Anna Ewens and Deputy Headteacher Sandra Melvin said:

“As leaders of Northern, the safety of our children is of utmost priority not only within school but when they are travelling to and from school and the speed which drivers reach along the road outside school worries every member of staff and we worry that one day a child will be injured.

“Children are so passionate about their safety and have decided they want to do something about it so it means the world to them that Andy, Rob and Jackie came into school to meet with them. We as leaders could not be more proud of them.”

This visit is one of many carried out by DPCC Andy Pratt across the county as he visits, schools, parish councils and community groups to target dangerous drivers and help to make Lancashire’s roads safer.

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