31st August 2021

Commissioner visits Morecambe to meet frontline officers and local MP

Getting out and meeting the front line officers, both Andrew and David heard from Inspector Jennings-Wharton about his new role and what he wanted to bring to the area, including how crime in the area was being tackled by Neighbourhood Policing Team officers and how Andrew’s plans for investing in frontline policing will make a real difference.

Speaking afterwards, Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner, Andrew Snowden said, “I would like to thank David and Inspector Jennings-Wharton for welcoming me to Morecambe and to hear first-hand about the issues that the area faces.

“I was elected on a promise to crack down on criminals and deal with the issues which affect people on a daily basis. It was good to hear from Insp Jennings-Wharton about his commitment to delivering on that.

“I want Morecambe residents to know that I am on their side when it comes to dealing with the issues that matter most to them. I am committed to working with government to getting more police on our streets and to putting resources in the areas where they are needed the most.

“I want to see local policing teams tackling antisocial behaviour and cracking down on criminals who blight our communities and engage in criminal activity. My police and crime plan will focus on these issues and provide the strategic focus for Lancashire Constabulary to deal with the types of crime that people tell me on a regular basis need addressing”.


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