26th July 2021

Commissioner seeks public's views on tackling crime in Lancashire

Police and Crime Commissioner Andrew Snowden has launched a county wide survey to gather views and suggestions from Lancashire residents to help inform his new Police and Crime Plan for Lancashire.

The plan will set the strategic direction for Lancashire Constabulary and identify the priorities which the force will focus on over the coming years. A key part of the Commissioner’s role is to hold the Chief Constable to account for delivery against this plan.

Mr Snowden said: “It is really important to me to hear from residents across Lancashire, to understand what matters most to them and what we can do to target the real issues in local areas.

“I have already spent a lot of time with local officers from across the force to understand the issues they face and how I can best support them to tackle crime in our neighbourhoods but I need to hear from local people to get the full picture.

“We have a real opportunity to make positive changes to policing in our county and I want my Police and Crime Plan to reflect the views of all our communities. This is the perfect time to look at new ideas around fighting crime and I am looking forward to hearing people’s thoughts and suggestions.

“What I want to say to Lancashire residents is that your views matter and will help shape the priorities within the Police and Crime Plan for our county. As Commissioner it is my job to ensure that the force delivers against these priorities and I will be your voice in ensuring that this happens.

“I will work with the force to lead the fight against crime, to crack down on criminals and anti-social behaviour and to bring offenders to justice, but I need your views, ideas and insights to make sure that we can direct resources to where they are needed and address local issues in the best possible way.

“Please share your views to help shape the future of policing in Lancashire by visiting my website and completing the survey.”

The online survey is now live at https://www.lancashire-pcc.gov.uk/community/surveys/. The Commissioner will also be attending local events, provide engagement opportunities online and run a telephone survey to seek as many views as possible. All the latest information will be published on the Commissioner’s website and social media channels.

Mr Snowden will officially publish his Police and Crime Plan for Lancashire in December 2021.

PCC Andrew Snowden and officers
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