30th November 2023

Commissioner seeks public's views ahead of setting police budget

Budget Consultation

It currently costs around £348 million to provide Policing services in Lancashire. 67% of funding comes from Central Government and the remaining 33% is raised by the policing element of residents’ Council Tax bill known as the ‘precept’.

Commissioner Snowden is inviting residents to share their policing priorities to inform his decisions ahead of allocating his budget to best deliver the priorities set in the Police and Crime Plan for Lancashire.

Mr Snowden said:  “Thanks to your and the Government’s support, Lancashire has successfully recruited 612 additional police officers through the Police Uplift Programme. Many of these officers have now joined the front line while others are still in training and due to join neighbourhood and new specialist teams in the near future, meaning we will soon feel the full benefit of this huge recruitment drive.

“My Fighting Crime Plan 2021- 25 sets out my ambition for more visible front line police officers, but also for investment into crime fighting cyber and digital technology and physical infrastructure to ensure the force is fit for the future to stay one step ahead of criminals.

“Through Op Warrior, officers are disrupting and dismantling organised crime. Op Centurion was launched to get tough on anti-social behaviour and dedicated serious sexual offences teams are now in place to target offenders and bring them to justice. Every burglary in Lancashire is attended by an officer through Op Defender and the roads’ policing unit is targeting dangerous drivers across the county.

“Arrests of organised crime gang suspects are up by 10%, seizures of Class A and B drugs are up 1000%. Seizures of cash from criminals are up 372%. And we’re going after more.

“Continuous investment will ensure that we can keep up this momentum, build on the strides already made and push on with taking the fight to criminals, and it’s working.

“I understand that this is a difficult time for the country with the increased cost of living affecting all of us. This is also reflected in financing our police service. The 2023/24 Policing budget will be set against the backdrop of a challenging economic environment with inflation, pay, utilities and fuel costs all higher than in previous years.

“While we continue to work hard to increase the efficiency of Lancashire Constabulary and to ensure the public receive value for money, if I do not increase funding, we will be unable to continue to deliver the services that matter most to people.

“I know that any increase in funding from the precept must be considered carefully. I also hear very loudly that residents of Lancashire want to see officers in their communities to feel safe at home and on our streets.

“It’s really important to hear from as many residents as possible and I invite everyone to complete the short survey on my website to help inform my decision making ahead of presenting my budget proposals to the Police and Crime Panel in early 2024 and subsequently making my budget decisions.

“I would like to thank Lancashire residents for their continued support and I will continue to be your voice in policing to ensure that the Constabulary continues to deliver on your policing priorities, taking the fight to criminals and keeping our communities safe.”

The Commissioner’s Budget Survey can found at lancashire-pcc.gov.uk. Alternative formats of the survey are available from the Commissioner’s office.

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