29th July 2022

Commissioner proud to see force in nationwide number one spot for female recruits

The Constabulary is also ahead of its overall recruitment target and is on course to add over 600 officers to its ranks by 2023 thanks to the Uplift Programme together with money raised by the Commissioner through the council tax precept.

Commissioner Snowden said: “The Constabulary is doing a fantastic job in recruiting quality candidates to join the force and I am proud to see them lead the way in recruiting a more diverse workforce.

“The police must represent the communities it serves and seeing more female officers join the ranks is a great step towards achieving this.

“I regularly join the attestation ceremonies for new recruits and it’s always a pleasure to meet them, to see the enthusiasm they bring to their roles and to be able to reassure the public that the force is growing.

“Lancashire will have more than 600 additional officers by 2023 which means more bobbies on the beat to take the fight to criminals and to keep our communities safe.”

Deputy Chief Constable Sacha Hatchett added: “The quality of all our recruits in Lancashire is superb and it is pleasing to see the recruitment of officers who support our increasingly diverse workforce.

“We continue to work hard to recruit officers who are representative of all the communities we serve, and we strive to be flexible and supportive enough to allow them all to excel and achieve their career aspirations.”

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