25th January 2023

Commissioner invites Gove to Lancashire for ASB talks

Andrew has written to offer his support for anything that helps address the devastating impact anti-social behaviour has on communities and the risks around escalation if not properly dealt with.

Getting tough on anti-social behaviour is a top priority in the Commissioner’s Fighting Crime Plan and, since being elected in May 2021, he has invested to boost Lancashire Constabulary’s response to tackling ASB, preventing escalation and ensuring the public feel safer.

This includes investment in neighbourhood policing, thanks to the Government’s Police Uplift Programme and investment through Council Tax, the reopening of police front counters in areas where the public had no consistent, accessible police station, and investment into a new specialist anti-social behaviour unit, launching in Spring this year.

Mr Gove has also been invited to discuss future plans around ASB with partners, and how Lancashire is tackling anti-social behaviour.

This comes as the Commissioner hosts a number of ASB summits with senior leaders from across Lancashire Constabulary, local councils, housing associations, education, delete and third sector organisations, calling on organisations to join him in getting tougher on anti-social behaviour and addressing local concerns.

The Commissioner said:

I’m keen to meet and discuss the work already happening in Lancashire and the next steps we’re taking to tackle ASB, whatever form it takes.

“Anti-social behaviour is an issue that residents raise with me time and time again, I know the people of Lancashire will welcome this renewed focus on the issue at a national level and I will work constructively to ensure Lancashire’s voice is heard.

“That’s why I am keen for the Secretary of State to visit us in Lancashire and see how I am supporting the Constabulary, and strengthening partnerships, to deal with root causes to reduce the impact ASB has on people across the county and ensure people, rightly, feel safe wherever they are.

“Anti-social behaviour is not an issue that can be solved by policing alone, which is why I am hosting several ASB summits to strengthen connections between partners and deliver the best possible results for the public.

“As I continue to lead the fight against crime in Lancashire, the Chief Constable has my full support in delivering my Police and Crime Plan priorities proactively targeting offenders, and getting tough on ASB.”

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