23rd July 2024

Commissioner Grunshaw vows to tackle violence against women and girls

Commissioner Grunshaw and officer

Today, the NPCC released data from a national police report that shows 3,000 crimes of violence against women and girls (VAWG) are recorded each day, with at least 1 in 12 women becoming victims each year.

Commissioner Grunshaw is backing calls for whole-system approach that brings together criminal justice partners, government bodies and industry. He has also welcomed news that policing has committed to launching a specialist national centre to tackle VAWG.

Commissioner Clive Grunshaw said: “As Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, I will fully implement a zero-tolerance approach to end violence against women and girls.

“The scale of violence against women and girls (VAWG) is both troubling and unacceptable, and perpetrators of domestic abuse and sexual violence should have no place to hide here in Lancashire. Alongside a national centre, I will fully support the Constabulary’s dedicated Rape and Serious Sexual Offences teams, and ensure that they have the dedicated resources needed to go after offenders, secure the evidence required to convict them and keep women and girls across Lancashire safe.

“Lancashire, alongside UK policing, has undergone significant changes to the way it tackles violence against women and girls in recent years, but we simply must do more. This mean’s working in partnership across the criminal justice system to reduce the scale and impact of VAWG, and maximising the use of technology and intelligence.

“I was pleased to see VAWG included in the Kings Speech last week, with Government committing to halving the level of violence against women and girls.

“I’m committed to working with Government to ensure Lancashire Police have the capability to respond robustly to domestic abuse, rape and other sexual offences. I will monitor progress to ensure Lancashire continues to drive standards and hold the Constabulary to account for improving outcomes for victims. Furthermore, I will fund local services to ensure that victims of crime in Lancashire have access to specialist support should they need it.

“Tackling violence against women and girls is at the top of my agenda. That commitment, along with tackling ASB and off road bikes are key elements in my draft Police and Crime Plan.”

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