31st March 2023

Commissioner backs fight against cyber crime

Commissioner backs fight against cyber crime



Thanks to extra officers joining, the team has been able to expand their work on preventative and protective measures for the public, whilst continuing to pursue fraudsters and crack down on cyber crime.

Officers are working in communities and with local schools to educate Lancashire residents on how crimes are committed increasingly online and how they can protect themselves from being targeted by cyber criminals.

The visit also provided the opportunity to talk about the Commissioner’s Police Innovation Fund, one of the strands in the Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund. The fund uses cash seized by criminals through the Proceeds of Crime act to fund innovative policing projects that help tackle the priorities in the Commissioner’s Fighting Crime Plan.

Following the visit, Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner Andrew Snowden said:

“As Chair of the North West Cyber Resilience Centre’s Guidance Council (NWCRC), I regularly meet with representatives from across policing, the private sectors and higher education to help support businesses and communities in combatting cyber crime.

“I am pleased to say that each time I visit the Cyber Unit I see changes and improvements. This reflects the ever changing nature of cyber crime and it also shows the brilliant advancements the unit is making in taking the fight to criminals.

“It great to see the additional officers making an impact and engaging with local communities to prevent and deter crime of this nature which can have a devastating impact on individuals and businesses.

“My role at the NWCRC underpins the on-going work at the Constabulary and I will continue to support their efforts to  stay ahead of criminals and take Lancashire to the forefront of of tackling cyber crime.”

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