31st May 2022

'All aboard' as Commissioner helps fund youth bus tackling anti-social behaviour

Commissioner Andrew Snowden on youth project visit

The Space Bus also works with partners, including the local neighbourhood policing team and borough council, to identify anti-social behaviour hotspots that could benefit from the bus visiting as part of diversionary activity.

The Commissioner was welcomed onboard the bus in Burnley, talking to staff about the support they deliver, meeting some of the young people utilising the activities and taking a tour of the bespoke, converted double decker. His £11,250 funding has helped to secure an extra day of activity every week, increasing the support from two days to three over the next twelve months.

He said:

“It’s great to meet the team on the Space Youth Bus and I’m proud I have been able to provide them with additional funding to work in more locations across Burnley and Padiham and increase the number of young people their support can reach.

“Projects like this engage young people in the community, build relationships with the local policing team and help the youngsters avoid getting involved in anti-social behaviour.

“Through my Safer Lancashire Neighbourhoods Fund we will continue to deliver a number of ways communities can help us address some of the root causes of anti-social behaviour, while committing officers to crack down on offenders and make people safer as I lead the fight against crime and deliver my Police and Crime Plan priorities.”

Lynne Blackburn, from Participation North West said: “It was a pleasure to welcome Andrew onto the youth bus to showcase our amazing youth bus project and the essential youth work we deliver. It gave the team an opportunity to talk about their work and to discuss the challenges we face. We are proud of the youth work and support we offer the young people and hope to continue it for years to come.

“We are always looking for volunteers to support our youth and community projects, for more information contact Lynne Blackburn lynne_participationworks@yahoo.co.uk

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