Op Centurion is Lancashire Constabulary’s county-wide response to anti-social behaviour, supported by Police and Crime Commissioner, Clive Grunshaw. As part of this targeted operation, each district of Lancashire is currently benefitting from additional foot patrols to target areas identified as ASB hotspots. Since the launch of Op Centurion, officers have completed an additional 7291 shifts to tackle anti-social behaviour in these hotspot areas.
This week (18th-24th November) Lancashire Constabulary will be supporting the UK’s national ASB Awareness Week and are carrying out additional activities across the county around the theme of #MakingCommunitiesSafer.
Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Clive Grunshaw, said: “It’s great to see the positive impact Op Centurion is having and I am keen to build on this, both in ASB hotspots and beyond.”
“Offenders must know crime and ASB, even at low level, will be punished and I’m committed to supporting Lancashire Constabulary to take firm action.”
Lancashire Constabulary’s Assistant Chief Constable, Karen Edwards, said “Lancashire is supporting the national ASB Awareness week, we are keen to highlight the work our officers and staff do to listen to community concerns and tackle ASB on a daily basis. Tackling anti-social behaviour is a force priority and we have been working incredibly hard to address these issues, throughout the year and in all parts of the county.”
“Anti-social behaviour has the potential to cause a significant amount of harm and distress to people. It is unacceptable and we will not tolerate it. I urge the public to not suffer in silence and to please report ASB to the relevant authority.”
Op Centurion also aims to ensure that residents know how to report ASB to the relevant authority, which isn’t always the police. Lancashire Police work in partnership with other agencies such as local Councils and Housing Associations to tackle the different types of ASB appropriately.
Reporting options can be found on the dedicated web page – LancashireTacklingASB.co.uk. Information can also be passed to independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111. You can also call 101 or 999 in an emergency.
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The Office of the PCC for Lancashire
County Hall Preston
Email: commissioner@lancashire-pcc.gov.uk