A total of 28 schemes received grants of up to a maximum of £5k to deliver a mix of work, all aimed at deterring crime and protecting people, including diversionary activity, support and signposting, victim support and education.
All are time specific intervention projects which have strong links with their local policing team or local Community Safety Partnership.
This latest award of funding follows £90k provided earlier this year for projects that targeted vulnerable young people throughout the summer holiday period – bringing the total amount provided via Commissioner Grunshaw’s community fund to £215k
The Fund utilises money seized from criminals and invests it back into local communities to make a lasting difference to neighbourhoods across Lancashire.
Clive Grunshaw, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire:
“I’m pleased to be able to utilise money taken from offenders that cause harm, and invest back into Lancashire protecting communities and preventing crime.
“The standard of applications was extremely high and I’m looking forward to seeing how these projects, in their own way, have a positive impact on our communities and support the delivery of our policing priorities.
“By empowering communities, backing the people who know their neighbourhoods best and addressing local concerns, we’re able to make a real, measurable, cost effective difference to tackling crime.
“Preventing crime and stopping people becoming victims in the first place is, alongside strong enforcement, a key part of keeping Lancashire safe. This can only be achieved by getting upstream and having strong leadership, a strong police force and strong deterrents.”
You can find out more about the projects by clicking on the link here
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County Hall Preston
Email: commissioner@lancashire-pcc.gov.uk