Decision Ref:
Budget Monitoring Position – 30 September 2024
I have noted the budget monitoring report for the year to 30 September 2024.
Date of Decision:
11th December 2024Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision Notice Recommendation ReportDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Award of Pan-Lancashire All Age Sexual Violence Service
I have considered advice from my officers and have approved the award of the Pan-Lancashire all age sexual violence service for Lancashire, to Victim Support.
I note the annual cost of £550,000 for up to 5 years.
Date of Decision:
16th October 2024Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision Notice Recommendation ReportDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Fund
The Commissioner received 88 applications into the Community Fund in October 2024.
Out of the 88 applications considered the Commissioner supported 28 applications.
The Commissioner approved the allocation of £125,348.45 towards the 28 applications outlined in Appendix A.
The Commissioner is also asked to note the 60 unsuccessful applications.
Date of Decision:
21st October 2024Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision Notice Recommendation Report Appendix 1Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Managing Service User Contact Policy
I have considered advice from my officers and have approved the service user contact policy which sets out the OPCC’s approach to managing service user contact with a small minority of service users whose actions or behaviours are considered unacceptable and/or are impacting on the work of its staff.
Date of Decision:
17th October 2024Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision notice Recommendation Report Managing Service User Contact Policy 2024Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
White Ribbon Accreditation
I have considered advice from my officers and have approved the application for White Ribbon status for my office.
I note the annual cost of accreditation of £330.
Date of Decision:
8th October 2024Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision Notice Recommendation ReportDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Digital Fingerprint Capability
I have considered in detail a request to enter into an agreement for the deployment of the Digital Fingerprint Capability (DFC) to the force by Police Digital Services.
Accordingly, after consultation with the Chief Constable I have authorised the Chief Executive to sign the Memorandum of Agreement in relation to the Digital Fingerprint Capability.
Date of Decision:
3rd October 2024Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision Notice Recommendation ReportDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Pan Lancashire Stalking Service
I have considered advice from my officers and have approved the waiving of standing orders to allow the contract for the provision of a Pan Lancashire stalking service to be directly awarded to Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service.
I note the value of the contract at £75,000 per year for two years ending on 31 March 2027.