
October 2014 to December 2014

Decision Ref:



Community Safety Funding


The Commissioner has approved the allocation of £97,499.00 from the following funding streams:

Community Safety Fund £9,300.00

MoJ Victims Fund 2013 £88,199.00

Funding has been allocated to the projects and programmes detailed in Appendix A.

There is a balance of £475,385 remaining in the Community Safety & Partnership Fund for allocation against additional community safety activity.

Date of Decision:

1st October 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2014-31-Appendix-A 2014-31-Community-Safety-and-Victims-Fund

Decision Maker:


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Financial Outlook for the Police and Crime Budget 2015/16 – 2017/18


The Commissioner has:

Noted the forecast position on the Police and Crime budget for Lancashire for the period 2014/15 – 2017/18 and that further savings of £19.6m, equivalent to a reduction of 7.4% on the 2014/15 budget, are required;

Noted that these savings are in addition to £61m that has already been delivered bringing the total level of savings required between 2011/12 and 2017/18 to £80m;

Noted that the ‘Futures Group’ is charged with developing savings proposals to present to the Commissioner that will meet the savings gap of £19.6m and that the process will take place over the coming months in order to develop the financial strategy for the PCC for 2015/16 to 2017/18;

Noted the further risks that could impact upon the level of savings required in future years;

Noted that additional updates will be provided to the Commissioner as further announcements in respect of funding are made by Central Government.

Date of Decision:

1st October 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Application for a Substantial Cash Reward


The Commissioner has agreed for a sum of upto £100,000.00 to be offered as a reward to any person who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction of any person(s) responsible for the murder or the recovery of Charlene Downes’ body.

Date of Decision:

5th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Exempt information as defined in Part II of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 – information which if disclosed would, or would be likley to prejudice:- (a) the prevention or detection of crime; (b) the apprehension or prosecution of offenders; (c) the administration of justice

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Community Remedy Report and Proposals


The Commissioner has:

1. noted the outcomes of the Community Remedy Consultation as detailed in Section 6 of Appendix A

2. approved the following Community Remedies:

a) Apologies to the victim, where this is acceptable to the victim

b) Meeting with the victim face to face through a Restorative Justice process

c) Mediation facilitated between the victim and the offender

d) The Offender participates in structured activities or courses

e) Pay compensation to the victim where appropriate

f) Reparation direct to the victim

g) Reparation to the local community

3. approved the Delivery Proposals detailed in Section 7 of Appendix A

4. agreed that any costs incurred in the delivery of the Community Remedy are met from the Commissioner’s Community Safety Fund.

Date of Decision:

5th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

Decision-2014-34-Community-Remedy Decision-2014-34-Community-Remedy-App-A

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:




Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

Decision Ref:



Renewal of Insurance for the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner


The Commissioner has:

Approved all renewal terms, with the exception of Engineering, Insurance and Inspection for the 5 month period from 1 November 2014 to 31st March 2015. This allows the Commissioner to participate in the joint procurement exercise planned with seven other members of the Northern Police Insurance Consortium on 1st April 2015,

Noted that the total premium for the 5 months cover will be £258,247.

Noted that the Engineering Insurance & Inspection Service renewal terms with Allianz Engineering were awarded on a three-year Long Term Agreement from 1st November 2013, with optional extension periods of one year at both 1st November 2016 and 1st November 2017. This arrangement, therefore, remains in place.

Date of Decision:

5th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the PCC or any other person or company. It is considered that in all circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Delegated Decisions


The Commissioner has approved the allocation of £97,499.00 from the following funding streams:

Community Safety Fund £9,300.00

MoJ Victims Fund 2013 £88,199.00

Funding has been allocated to the projects and programmes detailed in Appendix A.

There is a balance of £475,385 remaining in the Community Safety & Partnership Fund for allocation against additional community safety activity.

Date of Decision:

3rd November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Establishment of a Combined Ethics Committee


The Commissioner and the Chief Constable have

i) approved the establishment of a Combined Ethics Committee and associated costs as set out in Appendix A.

ii) Noted the estimated annual cost of approximately £10,500 in respect of Ethics Committee Members allowances that will be met from the existing OPCC Revenue budget

iii) Agreed to the allocation of £20,000 from the transition reserve to enable the delivery of initial training for staff and committee members

Date of Decision:

5th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2014-37-Appendix-A 2014-37-Ethics-Decision-Template

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Community Action Fund Applications


The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for the Applications as outlined in Appendix A .

The total amount of funding is £7,750.00

Note: That proposals for motor insured losses and aviation will be the subject of a separate report.

Date of Decision:

5th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2014-38-CAF-Appendix-A 2014-38-CAF-Decision-Paper

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Application for financial support


The Commissioner has agreed to the contribution of £4,753 to the Sophie Lancaster Foundation to support the Anti-Hate Crime conference

Date of Decision:

25th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Interim Restructure of the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner


The Commissioner has:

(i) Disestablished the posts of Deputy Police & Crime Commissioner and Assistant Police & Crime Commissioner (x3) and terminated the employment of the current post holders on the basis set out in the report.

(ii) noted savings of £63,067 (Annual saving £126,135) in respect of the disestablished posts identified at (i) above to 31 May 2014

(iii) Established the temporary posts of two Project Support Officers (2xLC5), Crime Reoffending & Justice Officer (LC12) and Victims & Vulnerable People Officer (LC9) pending a further review by the new appointee to the post of Director of the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner, but in any event to end no earlier than 31st May 2015 at a cost of £64,817 to 31 May 2015 (Annual cost £129,633) such cost being contained within the existing revenue budget.

(iv) Established the permanent post of a Commissioning Officer (LC12) at annual cost of £46,904 (inclusive of on-costs and appointment at the bottom of grade) that cost being contained within the existing revenue budget.

(v) Extended the payment of honoraria of those officers approved previously on 12 September 2014 on the same basis until 31 May 2015 at an additional cost of £2,964 that will be managed within the existing revenue budget.

Date of Decision:

19th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company. It is considered that in all circumstances of the case the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Chief Executive Post – temporary cover


The Commissioner has:

Noted that Angela Harrison will provide cover for the interim Chief Executive officer until the Director of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner post is filled

Agree that payment of £1,000 per month is made to Preston City Council in respect of the cover arrangements from 1st November 2014 until the arrangement is ended.

Noted that this agreement in terminable upon request by the Commissioner

Date of Decision:

19th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Establishment of the post of Director of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner


The Commissioner has approved the establishment of the post of Director of the Office of Police & Crime Commissioner with the job description and person specification as set out in Appendix 1 and to formally disestablish the post of Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer.

Date of Decision:

19th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Treasury Management – Mid-year report 2014/15


The Commissioner has noted the Treasury Management – Mid-year report for 2014/15

Date of Decision:

20th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Ref:



2014/15 Monitoring Position – As at 30 September 2014


The Commissioner has:

1) Noted the forecast revenue budget underspend of £7.5m at 31 March 2015 and that this assumes that £2m of one-off costs relating to the implementation of the organisational reviews that will deliver long term savings in the future will be funded from the transition reserve.

2) Agreed that the £2m one-off costs relating to organisational reviews will be funded from the transition reserve and will be reported as part of the monitoring process.

3) Noted the forecast position on the reserves at the end of the 2014/15 financial year.

4) Approved additions to the capital programme of £0.402m as set out in the report and note that funding for these has been identified from within existing revenue resources

5) Agreed that the costs of £0.157m relating to organisational reviews within capital spending will be funded from the transition reserve.

6) Noted the forecast capital programme position for 2014/15 as follows:

7) Forecast spend of £11.744m in 2014/15

8) Forecast slippage in to 2015/16 and future years of £6.375m

9) Forecast overspend of £0.414m in 2014/15.

Date of Decision:

20th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Revision to the Scheme of Governance


The Commissioner has approved a revised Scheme of Consent/Delegation and Code of Corporate Governance.

Date of Decision:

27th November 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2014-45-Amendment-to-Scheme-of-delegation 2014-45-Code-of-Corporate-Governance 2014-45-Scheme-of-Consent-amend-Nov-2014

Decision Maker:


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Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

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Motor Claims Handling Arrangements


The Commissioner has agreed to continue with the appointment of Willis Limited in their present role in relation to:

a) motor claims handling; and

b) motor uninsured loss recovery

Date of Decision:

8th December 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Community Safety Funding


The Commissioner has approved the allocation of £33,814.00 from the following funding streams:

Community Safety Fund £16,000.00

MoJ Victims Fund 2014 £17,814.00

Funding has been allocated to the projects and programmes detailed in Appendix A.

There is a balance of £459,385 remaining in the Community Safety & Partnership Fund for allocation against additional community safety activity.

Date of Decision:

18th December 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2014-48-Appendix-A 2014-48-Decision-Paper1

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Community Action Fund Applications


The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for the Applications as outlined in Appendix A.

The total amount of funding is £7,425.00

Date of Decision:

22nd December 2014

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2014-49-Appendix-A 2014-49-paper

Decision Maker:

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