Decision Ref:
The Acceptance of a contract extension for Energy Provision (Gas and Electric)
The Commissioner has agreed:
1) in principle to the extension of the current energy contract from October 2013 for a period of up to two years;
2) to delegate responsibility to the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer to accept contract prices recommended by the specialist energy consultants UPG during the period leading up to contract extension in October 2013 where the extension either results in potential savings or where UPG provide commodity market intelligence which shows that any potential increases are lower than expected should the contract terminate in October 2013; and
3) that all other options for the supply of utilities beyond October 2015 should be explored and this work be completed by no later than October 2014.
This will enable contract termination to be served on the current framework should these options be considered to be more favourable than those currently utilised.
Date of Decision:
12th July 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or companyDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Investment in the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and Mobility Project
The Commissioner has;
1) noted the position in relation to the Virtual desktop Infrastructure and the ICT Mobility Projects;
2) agreed that the shortfall in funding of £1.3m be met in the first instance from the Transition Reserve, however, should there be sufficient slippage within the Commissioner’s Capital programme that this be used; and
3) agreed that the Chief Finance Officers for the Commissioner and the Constabulary agree the final mechanism for funding once the financial position is known and that this be reported as part of the Commissioner’s out turn report on the 2013/14 budget.
Date of Decision:
31st July 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2013-08-VDIDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Applications
The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for five applications at a total cost of £5,460.
Date of Decision:
22nd July 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2013-09-CAF 2013-09-CAF-Appendix-ADecision Ref:
Treasury Management Outturn 2012/13
The Commissioner has received and noted an update report on the treasury management activity that has been undertaken in the current financial year and the overall performance against the agreed strategy and prudential indicators.
Date of Decision:
31st July 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2013-11-Financial-StrategyDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Financial Outlook for the Police and Crime Budget 2014/15-2017/18
The Commissioner has:
1) noted the forecast position on the Police and Crime budget for Lancashire for the period 2014/15 – 2017/18 and that further savings of £37.7m, equivalent to a reduction of 13.6% on the 2013/14 budget, are required;
2) noted that these savings are in addition to £35.8m that has already been delivered bringing the total level of savings required between 2011/12 and 2017/18 to £73.5m;
3) endorsed the package of efficiency proposals totalling £21.7m put forward by the Chief Constable and note that further work is continuing to establish the phasing and implementation of the savings; and
4) endorsed the approach to identifying the further savings that are required in future years in order to deliver a balanced budget.
Date of Decision:
31st July 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2013-11-Financial-StrategyDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/13Issue:
Settlement of a Claim
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to negotiate the settlement of damages and solicitor costs in relation to a civil claim.
Date of Decision:
31st July 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which is subject to legal privilege; relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or companyDecision Maker:
Chief Constable’s Chief Finance OfficerDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/14Issue:
Settlement of a Claim
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to negotiate the settlement of damages and solicitor costs in relation to a civil claim.
Date of Decision:
31st July 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which is subject to legal privilege; relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or companyDecision Maker:
Chief Constable’s Chief Finance OfficerDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/15Issue:
Replacement of WAN Aggregation Switches
The Chief constable’s Chief Finance Officer has agreed to the replacement of 16 WAN aggregation switches at the Divisional HQ sites at a total cost of £24,000.
Date of Decision:
31st July 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
CFO-2013-15-WANDecision Maker:
Chief Constable’s Chief Finance OfficerDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Application
The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for an application at a total cost of £2,000.
Date of Decision:
31st July 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2013-12-CAF 2013-12-CAF-Appendix-ADecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
DEL 2013/05Issue:
Settlement of a Claim
The Commissioner has approved the negotiation of costs and proceeding to detailed assessment if settlement can not be reached.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which is subject to legal privilege; relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Citizens in Policing, Financial Obligation
The Commissioner has:
1) noted the report;
2) approved the following spend from the Transition Reserve:
– £0.137m to fund additional Special Constables in 2013/14
– £0.044m toward the cost of additional Volunteer Police Cadets in 2013/14
– £0.035m toward the cost of providing additional Police Support Volunteers in 2013/14
3) approved the additional revenue budget of £0.241m in 14/15, £0.261m in 15/16 and £0.139m in 16/17 to meet the additional costs arising from these proposals.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
201313-DECISION-REPORT-FINAL-CIP-FinanceDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Application
The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for 8 applications at a total cost of £10,530.00.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
201314-DECISION-REPORT-FINAL-Community-Action-Fund-Applications-App-A 201314-DECISION-REPORT-FINAL-Community-Action-Fund-ApplicationsDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Police Reform and Social Responsibilty Act 2011 – Stage II Transfers
The Commissioner has agreed:
1. the Scheme of transfer as drafted, and that this report be shared with the Chief Constable through the Business Management Model;
2. that the Scheme be shared with the recognised Trade Unions in accordance with the timetable already shared with the Trade Unions at the LJNC on 2nd September; and
3. that the Scheme is submitted by the PCC in respect of the Lancashire Constabulary area.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
201315-DECISION-REPORT-FINAL-Stage-2Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Order – Blackpool Borough Council
The Commissioner has authorised the attendance of the Deputy Commissioner and/or Chief Executive at the Hearing into the Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Order (EMRO) made by Blackpool Borough Council under Schedule 172A of the Licensing Act 2003, and to give evidence on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner in support of the representation previously made.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
CFO 2013/16Issue:
Contract for provision of Water Management Services – 1 August 2013 to 31 July 2018
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.22 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to utilise a new framework contract for the provision of Comprehensive Water Management Services, arranged by the East of England NHS Collaborative Hub, on behalf of public sector organisations within the UK, which was tendered and awarded in compliance with EU requirements, in order to be compliant with Standing Orders.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which is subject to legal privilege; relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance OfficerDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/17Issue:
Contract for provision of Electrical Testing Services – 1 August 2013 – 31 July 2018
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.22 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to utilise a new framework contract for the provision of Electrical Testing Services, arranged by the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation, on behalf of public sector organisations within the UK, which was tendered and awarded in compliance with EU requirements, in order to be compliant with Standing Orders.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which is subject to legal privilege; relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance OfficerDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/18Issue:
Extension of Contract for provision of Catering Services to Constabulary
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.22 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to an extension of the existing contract for the provision of catering services for a period of up to 12 months (after the expiration of the current contract on the 3rdFebruary 2014) until the 3rd February 2015, to Consultant Services Group in order that the Constabulary has a suitable legal contract; and to enable proposals from the Overheads Review to be reflected in a re-tendering process to be carried out during the period of the extension.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which is subject to legal privilege; relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance OfficerDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/19Issue:
Contract for Healthcare Insurance and Annual Health Assessments
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.22 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to the award of contracts to provide healthcare insurance (to Simplyhealth); and for healthcare assessments (to Capita Health and Wellbeing), in order that the Constabulary has a suitable legal contract.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which is subject to legal privilege; relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance OfficerDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/20Issue:
Award of Grant to Royal Humane Society
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.30 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to the provision of a £1,000 contribution to the Royal Humane Society to enable continued actions of bravery and valour by police officers, and the awarding of the Police Medal to recognise outstanding bravery by a police officer.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Royal-Humane-Society-GrantDecision Maker:
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance OfficerDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/21Issue:
Settlement of a Claim
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to negotiate the settlement of costs reasonably incurred in the detailed assessment process, up to the stage at which the costs of the substantive claim were agreed, in relation to a claim.
Date of Decision:
28th August 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which is subject to legal privilege; relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance OfficerDecision Ref:
2013/14 Monitoring Position as at 31 July 2013
The Commissioner has:
1) noted the forecast revenue underspend of £3.191m and the forecast underspend of £8.166m on the capital programme;
2) approved the use of the Transitional Reserve for the following:
£1.5m for a further 20 ill health retirements during 2014/15
£0.719m to continue to fund services for which planned savings cannot be achieved in 2013/14
£0.265m for one off ICT investment on key systems
3) agreed that the carry forward limit for DFM balances be set at 1% 2013/14 and that the level of underspend in excess of this be added to the transition reserve to manage the costs and risks associated with downsizing as a result of the funding reductions.
4) noted that additional costs associated with downsizing may be occurred during the year which are likely to fall on the transition reserve and agreed that;
an approval process be drafted and agreed between the Commissioner and the Chief Constable
costs be monitored throughout the year and reported to the Commissioner as part of the monitoring process.
5) noted the projected impact on the reserves at the end of 2013/14;
6) approved the addition of £0.032m to the 2013/14 capital programme for the purchase of 2 vehicles as part of the Regional Crime Unit collaboration and note that the costs will be met in full by a contribution from the collaboration;
7) noted the one-off grant funding of £0.114m and agreed that this should be transferred to general reserves pending the development of options for utilising the funding.
Date of Decision:
19th September 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
201317-Monitoring-PositionDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Approval of the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts
The Commissioner has noted:
The audit manager’s comments that the financial statements were well prepared and of a good standard especially given the major changes required for 2012/13 in terms of preparing separate group, PCC and CC statements
That the auditors gave a unqualified opinion on both the PCC’s financial statements, including the group accounting statements which consolidate the financial activities of the Chief Constable and the Chief Constable’s financial statements.
That in all significant respects it is the auditor’s opinion that the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable have put in place proper arrangements to secure economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources for the year ending 31 March 2013.
That the audit of the financial statements of the Chief Constable for Lancashire has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the Audit Commission Act 1998 and the Code of Audit Practice issued by the Audit Commission.
That the auditors are unable to formally conclude the audit and issue an audit certificate for the Police and Crime Commissioner until completion of consideration of a matter reported to the Independent Police Complaints Commission in 25 September 2013 and that the auditors are satisfied that the matter in question does not have a material effect on the financial statements or a significant impact on the value for money conclusion.
The Police and Crime Commissioner signed the group Accounts for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire.
Date of Decision:
26th September 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2013-18-Statement-of-Accounts PCC-Group-SOA-12-13Decision Ref:
CFO 2013/22Issue:
Approval of the 2012/13 Statement of Accounts
The Head of Human Resources and Payroll has agreed to a request under the Management of Change (staff) Policy for Flexible Early Retirement whereby the member of staff would reduce their hours and continue to work for the Constabulary whilst receiving a pension.
Date of Decision:
26th September 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Head of Human Resources and PayrollDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/23Issue:
Consideration for flexible Early Reirement
The Head of Human Resources and Payroll has agreed to a request under the Management of Change (staff) Policy for Flexible Early Retirement whereby the member of staff would reduce their hours and continue to work for the Constabulary whilst receiving a pension.
Date of Decision:
26th September 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Head of Human Resources and PayrollDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/24Issue:
Approval to extend the current contract for the provision of printing services to Lancashire Constabulary.
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Section 8.22 of the Interim Scheme of Governance has approved the extension of the existing Printing Services contract with the four suppliers for a period of up to twelve months to 31st January 2015 with a contract review at the six month stage.
Date of Decision:
26th September 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Head of Human Resources and PayrollDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/25Issue:
Date of Decision:
26th September 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Head of Human Resources and PayrollDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/26Issue:
Contract for the provision of Leadership Coaching
The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Section 8.22 of the Interim Scheme of Governance and within the provisions of Standing orders has awarded the contract to two companies to provide one to one leadership coaching for identified managers within the force for the period 1st October 2013 to 30th September 2014 with the option to extend the contract to 30th September 2015.
Date of Decision:
26th September 2013Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
The Head of Human Resources and PayrollDecision Ref:
CFO 2013/27Issue:
Consideration for flexible Early Reirement
The Head of Human Resources and Payroll has agreed to a request under the Management of Change (staff) Policy for Flexible Early Retirement whereby the member of staff would reduce their hours and continue to work for the Constabulary whilst receiving a pension.