Decision Ref:
Treasury Management Policy & Strategy 2020/2021
The Commissioner has approved the Treasury Management Strategy for 2020/21
Date of Decision:
27th March 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
There will be a delay in uploading the decision paper due to the current situation and staff only having limited access to systems. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Reserves Strategy 2020/2021
The Commissioner has approved the Reserves Strategy for 2020/21
Date of Decision:
27th March 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
There will be a delay in uploading the decision paper due to the current situation and staff only having limited access to systems. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Evaluation of Our Lancashire & Lancashire Volunteer Partnership
The Commissioner has approved the appointment of Reed Specialist Recruitment Ltd under the Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation framework to conduct an evaluation of Our Lancashire and the Lancashire Volunteer Partnership
Date of Decision:
2nd March 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Delegated Decisions
The Commissioner has noted the decisions and actions undertaken or proposed to be undertaken by officers of the PCC in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation.
Date of Decision:
2nd March 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
PCCDecision Ref:
Joint Audit & Ethics Committee – Revised Terms of Reference
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have approved the Terms of Reference
Date of Decision:
20th February 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019-54-App-A 2019-54-JAEC-Revised-ToRDecision Maker:
PCC & CCDecision Ref:
OPCC Corporate Risk Register
The Commissioner has noted the current OPCC corporate risk register
Date of Decision:
20th February 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019-53-Risk-RegisterDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
The Commissioner’s Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2020/21 and Capital Investment Programme for 2020/21 and Future Years
The Commissioner has agreed and approved the recommendations set out in the Decision paper and attached appendices
Date of Decision:
20th February 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Final budget decisionDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Financial position as at 31st December 2019
The Commissioner has:
– noted the Revenue Budget Monitoring Report as at 31st December 2019;
– Agreed the amendments to the Capital Programme as set out in the report;
– noted the forecast Capital Programme position for 2019/20;
-noted the position for the reserves.
Date of Decision:
20th February 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019-51-Financial-Position-31-12-19Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Renewal of Insurance for the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
The Commissioner has agreed to award the contracts as listed in the Decision paper.
Date of Decision:
20th February 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019-50-Renewal-of-Insurance-for-OPCCDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund
The Commissioner’s Community Action Fund financed through Proceeds of Crime Income, has allocated a total amount of £25,108.92
Date of Decision:
17th February 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019-49-CAF 2019-49-CAF-App-ADecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Police Complaints Reform
The Commissioner has agreed to:
1 Formally reaffirm his intention to adopt model 1.
2 Approve option A as the method to be utilised under the new procedures.
3 Approve the resourcing of option A as set out in the report.
4 Delegate to the Director of the OPCC the power to undertake reviews in relation to complaints made against police officers under the Policing & Crime Act 2017 and associated regulations.
Date of Decision:
6th February 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019-24-Police-Complaints-ReformDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Memorandum of Understanding – NPAS
The Commissioner has adopted the revised billing arrangements in relation to the National Police Air Service
Date of Decision:
31st January 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019-47-MoU-NPAS MoUDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Operation Whittlewood
The Commissioner has considered a report and after taking the independent advice therein has agreed to take no further action
Date of Decision:
7th February 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Agreement Under Section 60 of the Police (Northern Ireland) Act 1998
The Commissioner has entered in to the Section 60 Agreement to allow the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland (PONI) to investigate complaints made in any operation as a result of Mutual Aid.
Date of Decision:
27th January 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019-45-Agreement-Under-Section-60Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Reducing ReOffending Funding
The Commissioner has approved the proposed use of the Reducing Reoffending Fund as outlined in Appendix A
Date of Decision:
16th January 2020Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019-44-Reducing-Reoffending-FundingDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Police Force Collaboration Agreement for the Provision of Police Officers from the Civil Nuclear Constabulary
The Commissioner and the Chief Constable have entered in to a revised Collaboration Agreement for the provision of operational services specific to policing support by the Civil Nuclear Constabulary in the event of:
a) a Marauding Terrorist Attack (Operation Plato)
b) any other incident where there is threat to life or risk of serious injury;
c) pre-planned joint policing initiatives intending to improve inter-operability between forces and to enhance effectiveness and/or efficiency of either or both of the collaborating forces, within the geographical areas of the Home Office forces who are signatories to this agreement.