Decision Ref:
Community Action Fund Applications
The Commissioner has established a Community Action Fund
Date of Decision:
19th March 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-19-59-Decision 2018-19-59-Appendix 2018-19-59-NoteDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Independent Chair of the Reducing Re-Offending Board
The Commissioner has approved the funding of this role – initially for 12 months prior to review and consideration of future funding being shared amongst the key partners attending the Strategic Board.
Decision Ref:
Delegated Decisions
The Commissioner has noted the decisions and actions undertaken or proposed to be undertaken by officers of the PCC in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation.
Date of Decision:
8th March 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
08.03.2019-Delegated-DecisionDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Disposal of Property
The Commissioner has authorised the disposal of the property as set out in the report.
Date of Decision:
28th February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or companyDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
The PCC’s Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2019/20 and Capital Investment Programme for 2019/20 and Future Years (Revised)
The Commissioner agreed and approved the recommendations in the Decision
Date of Decision:
25th February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Final budget decisionDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Pension Forfeiture
The Commissioner has agreed:-
1. That the request from the Chief Constable for the forfeiture of police pension in respect of the former police officer be approved; and
2. That the proportion of the pension to be forfeited, which represents the employer’s notional contributions, be fixed at 65%, permanently; and
3. That any secured element of the pension (if applicable) be forfeited, temporarily, from the date that the former police officer becomes entitled to draw on his police pension benefits until the former police officer reaches the state retirement age; and
4. That, upon reaching the state retirement age, the secured element of the former police officers police pension be restored.
Date of Decision:
27th February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or companyDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
The PCC’s Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2019/20 and Capital Investment Programme for 2019/20 and Future Years
The Commissioner agreed and approved the recommendations in the Decision
Date of Decision:
13th February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2019/20 Revenue BudgetDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Complaint against a Senior Officer
The Commissioner noted the report, considered a referral, determined what actions to take and advised the complainant and senior officer of his decision.
Date of Decision:
15th February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or companyDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Lancashire Constabulary Fees & Charges 2019/20
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have approved the attached report in line with National Guidance
Date of Decision:
13th February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-50-Constab-Fees-and-Charges-19-20 Appendix-A-Fees-and-charges-201920Decision Maker:
PCC & CCDecision Ref:
Financial position as at 30 September 2018
The Commissioner has noted the position, approved the additions to the capital programme for 2018/19 and approved the revised capital programme for 2018/19.
Date of Decision:
13th February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-49-Financial-position-as-at-30-Sept-18Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Financial position as at 31 December 2018
The Commissioner has noted the position, approved the additions to the capital programme for 2018/19 and approved the transfers to reserves
Date of Decision:
13th February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-48-Financial-position-as-at-31-Dec-18Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
MEAM Funding Blackburn with Darwen
The Commissioner has approved the proposed use of the MEAM budget as outlined in Appendix A
Date of Decision:
7th February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-47-MEAM-Funding-BwDDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Applications
The Commissioner has established a Community Action Fund
Date of Decision:
1st February 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-46-CAF 2018-46-CAF-App-ADecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Applications
The Commissioner has established a Community Action Fund
Date of Decision:
7th January 2019Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2018-45 2018-45-app-aDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Pension Forfeiture
The Commissioner has considered the application for the forfeiture of a police pension in respect of a former Police Officer, as set out in the report and appendices