Decision Ref:
Amendments to Standing Orders Relating to Contracts
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have approved the changes to the Standing Orders relating to contracts.
Date of Decision:
2nd May 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2017-56-Standing-Orders Standing-OrdersDecision Maker:
PCC & CCDecision Ref:
Lancashire Victim Services and Victims Code Compliance: Independent Evaluation
The Commissioner has awarded the contract for the provision of an independent evaluation in respect of the Lancashire Victim Services and Victims Code Compliance to the organisation named in the report.
Decision Ref:
The Commissioner has approved the use of £8,500 from the Crime & Reoffending budget to support the Youthlink project as outlined in Appendix A
Date of Decision:
19th March 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Appendix A – Restricted 2017-54Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
North West Motorway Policing Group Collaboration Agreement
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have agreed to withdraw from the North West Motorway Policing Collaboration Agreement
Date of Decision:
15th March 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2017-53Decision Maker:
PCC & CCDecision Ref:
Reserve Strategy 2018/19
The Commissioner has approved the Reserves Strategy for 2018/19
Decision Ref:
Treasury Management Policy and Strategy 2018/19
The Commissioner has approved the Treasury Management Strategy for 2018/19, including:
Treasury Management Prudential Indicators
The Borrowing Strategy
The Investment Strategy
The MRP Strategy
To formally adopt the updated policy statement at Appendix A
Date of Decision:
19th March 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Treasury Management Strategy 2018/19Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Delegated decisions
The Commissioner noted the decisions and actions undertaken or proposed to be undertaken by officers of the PCC in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation.
Date of Decision:
19th March 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Delegated-decisionsDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
The Police & Crime Commissioner for Lancashire’s Revenue Budget and Council Tax for 2018/19 and Capital Investment Programme for 2018/19 and Future Years. Appendix A, B and C refers
The Commissioner has agreed and approved the report and Appendices
Date of Decision:
1st March 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision PaperDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Financial Position as at 31st December 2017
The Commissioner has noted:
The forecast revenue budget overspend of £6.982m, and the one-off costs that have contributed to this position.
The forecast year-end position for the Capital Programme including slippage of £1.606m and an overspend of £0.168m.
The forecast year-end position for revenue reserves.
Date of Decision:
16th February 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2017-48Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Acquisition of Land at Hutton
The Commissioner has authorised the purchase of land as set out in the report.
Date of Decision:
7th March 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Acceptance of a Framework Agreement for Reactive Repairs and Maintenance Works to Lancashire Constabulary from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2020 with the option to extend on an annual basis for two further years until the 31st March 2022.
The Commissioner has entered into a Framework Agreement for Reactive Repairs and Maintenance Works to Lancashire Constabulary from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2020, with the option to extend on an annual basis for 2 further years until 31st March 2022, as set out in the report presented.
Date of Decision:
12th February 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Application
The Commissioner has established a Community Action Fund.
Date of Decision:
5th February 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2017-45 2017-45-app-aDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
A Revised National Police Collaboration Agreement made under Section 22A of the Police Act 1996 (as amended) in relation to the Co-ordinating body known as the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC)
The Commissioner and Chief Constable have entered in to a revised Collaboration Agreement for the continued running, carrying out of functions and funding of the NPCC.
Date of Decision:
26th January 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes Legal professional privilege.Decision Maker:
PCC & CCDecision Ref:
Approval to enter into a new contract with Castlerock Group Medical Services Ltd (CRG Medical Ltd) for the provision of Custody Medical Services for the period 1st June 2018 to 30th November 2018 with the option to extend to 31st May 2019.
The Commissioner has approved a new contract period from 1st June 2018 to 30th November 2018, with the option to extend until 31st May 2019, with Castlerock Group Medical Services Ltd to align the service with the new custody delivery model.
Date of Decision:
26th January 2018Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Application
The Commissioner has established a Community Action Fund.