Decision Ref:
Stage II transfer – Governance Framework Documents
The Commissioner and the Chief Constable have approval and adopted:-
Memorandum of Understanding
Code of Corporate Governance
Scheme of Consent/Delegation
Financial Regulations
Contractual Standing Orders
Date of Decision:
1st April 2014Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
201401CodeofCorporateGovernance 201401FinancialRegulations 201401MemorandumofUnderstanding 201401SchemeofConsent 201401Standingorderforcontracts D20141Decision Maker:
PCC & Chief ConstableDecision Ref:
To award a contract for the supply, installation, maintenance and support of a Regional Communications Data Workflow System, CycComms.
The Commissioner has approve the award of the contract to Specialist Computer Centres which holds the mandated Crown Commercial Supplier’s framework contract for the supply, installation, maintenance and support of commoditised hardware and software (SPRINT 2) to enable the legitimate procurement of CycComms from Geoff Smith Associates Limited.
Date of Decision:
9th April 2014Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
NOT FOR PUBLICATION – Exempt information as defined in Part II of Freedom of Information Act 2000 – information attracting legal professional privilege and the commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or companyDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Automatic Number Plate Regonition (ANPR)
The Police and Crime Commissioner has :-
1) approved the inclusion of a scheme in the 2014/15 capital programme for the upgrade of Windows functionality for ANPR at a cost of £0.122m with a transfer of provision from the ANPR Data Storage Capacity Increase project to fund this cost.
2) agreed to waive the requirements of Contract Standing Order No 3 to allow an order to be placed with the existing MDT supplier and ANPR manufacturer, NDI, to ensure compatibility with existing equipment.
Date of Decision:
9th April 2014Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
2014-03-ANPRDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Delegated Decisions
The Commissioner has noted the decisions and actions undertaken or proposed to be undertaken by officers of the PCC or Chief Constable in accordance with the Scheme of Governance.
Date of Decision:
9th April 2014Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Delegated-decisions-DMS-9th-AprilDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund
The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for the Applications as outlined in Appendices A and B.
The total amount of funding is £6,865.
Date of Decision:
9th April 2014Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
201405-PCC-Decision-310314 201405-PCC-Decision-Appendix-BDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Community Action Fund Applications
The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for the Applications as outlined in Appendix A.
The total amount of funding is £1,740.
Decision Ref:
2013/14 Revenue and Capital Outturm Position
The Commissioner has:
1) noted the in-year underspend of £5.389m on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Revenue budget and the year end position on reserves and that this reflects previously agreed transfers to reserves;
2) approved the following transfers to reserves;
3) £3.992m of the end of year underspend to the transition reserve to support the ongoing “Futures programme” that will drive out savings in future years;
4) £0.632m to the Operational Policing Reserve;
5) £0.765m to DFM reserves;
6) Approved the addition of a number of fully funded schemes to the capital programme in 2013/14 totalling £0.825m, bringing the total capital programme in 2013/14 to £18.520m;
7) noted the underspend of £9.648m on the capital programme and agree that £9.483m be carried forward into 2014/15 to enable those projects that have been deferred or have slipped to be completed; and
8) noted the value of the capital programme in 2014/15 for monitoring purposes at £17.288m.
Date of Decision:
19th June 2014Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision-2014-07-2013-14-Outturn-report-Final-10-6-14Decision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Victims and Witnesses Strategy
The Commissioner has approved the Victims and Witnesses Strategy.
Date of Decision:
19th June 2014Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision-2014-08-Victims-Strategy Decision-2014-08-Victims-Strategy-Appendix-ADecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
White Ribbon Award
The Commissioner has:
1) approved the proposal to build a Hydra Immersive Learning Suite at Lancashire Constabulary Training Centre at an estimated one-off cost of £73,000;
2) noted the forecast saving of £50,000 in potential additional costs; and
3) approved the use of the Investment Reserve to finance the cost of this” invest to save” project.
Date of Decision:
19th June 2014Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
Decision-2014-11-HydraDecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
Year End Treasury Management Outturn 2013/14
The Commissioner has noted and endorsed the outturn position report.
Decision Ref:
Transfer of the Proceeds of Crime Act Funding to the Police and Crime Commissioner
The Commissioner has approved:
1) the transfer of PoCA funding to the Commissioner to be administered by the OPCC with effect from 1 July 2014;
2) the transfer of a range of discretionary spending as detailed in Appendix A to the Commissioner to be administered by the OPCC; and
3) the continued arrangements for the Chief Constable to transfer up £20,000 of Police Property Act funding LANPAC with approval being sought from the Commissioner for any amounts above £20,000.
Decision Ref:
Partnership and Community Safety Funding – Substance Misuse Services
The Commissioner has:
1) approved the proposed use of the Community Safety and Partnership Fund as outlined in Appendix A; and
2) noted the implications in respect of funding that could be available for additional future community safety activity.
Date of Decision:
19th June 2014Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted
D201414 PCC-Decision-2014-61-Feb-Appendix-ADecision Maker:
PCCDecision Ref:
On-line Child Abuse Investigation Team (OCAIT)
The Police and Crime Commissioner has:
1) noted the application of additional resources in 2014/15 for the On Line Child Abuse Investigation Team (OCAIT); and
2) noted that the required funding of £121,000 for OCAIT will be contained with the Chief Constable’s 2014/15 cash limit.
Decision Ref:
Initial pursuit training for standard drivers.
The Commissioner has approved the use of the Transition Reserve to fund the first year costs of pursuit training (£292,000) with recurring costs considered as part of the budget process in the next 2 years.
Decision Ref:
Community Action Fund Applications
The Commissioner has approved the level of funding for the Applications as outlined in Appendix A.
The total amount of funding is £2,000.
Decision Ref:
Police and Crime Commissioner Office Restructure
The Commissioner has approved the use of the Transition Reserve to fund the first year costs of pursuit training (£292,000) with recurring costs considered as part of the budget process in the next 2 years.