
April 2013 to June 2013

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/01


Vehicle Recovery Service


In accordance with the Interim Scheme of Governance the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer has agree to the acceptance of the NSG insurance initiative with effect from 1.4.13

Date of Decision:

31st May 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:



Approval to utilise a collaborative contract for the provision of a second hand (covert) vehicle hire service for Lancashire Constabulary


The Commissioner has given approval to the utilisation of a collaborative contract for the provision of a second hand (covert) vehicle hire service for the period 1 March 2013 to 29 February 2016 with an option to extend the contract until 28 February 2017

Date of Decision:

24th April 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/02


Settlement of a Claim


In accordance with article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer has approved the settlement of solicitor costs in respect of a civil claim.

Date of Decision:

31st May 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.

Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/03


Settlement of a Claim


In accordance with article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer has approved the settlement of solicitor costs in respect of a civil claim

Date of Decision:

31st May 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.

Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/04


The renewal of licences and support against licensing for Servers/Operating systems in use throughout the Constabulary.


In accordance with article 8.58 of the Interim Scheme of Governance and article 3.4 of the financial regulations, the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer has approved the payment of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement.

Date of Decision:

31st May 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



The Commissioner’s Community Action Fund


The Commissioner has agreed on the arrangements for the use, application and administration of the Community Action Fund.

Date of Decision:

31st May 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2013-02-CAF-decision-paper 2013-02-Appendix-A 2013-02-Appendix-B

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



Partnering arrangements for ICT Services and Associated Cost


The Commissioner has agreed in principle to partnering arrangements for ICT services for 2013/14, subject to satisfactory contractual arrangements, and that the cost of £126K be met from the PCC’s Transitional Reserve.

Date of Decision:

31st May 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



A request to use Proceeds of Crime Act Funds to provide funding for the continued piloting of the use of tagging devices


The Commissioner has agreed to the application of £8K from Proceeds of Crime Act funds to contribute towards the costs of a 6-month extension of the GPS tagging pilot

Date of Decision:

31st May 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/05


The provision of headwear


In accordance with the Interim Scheme of Governance the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer has agreed to participate in new contractual arrangements for the provision of headwear for the period 1st March 2013 to 28th February 2016 with the option to extend until 28thFebruary 2018.

Date of Decision:

31st May 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:



Community Action Fund Applications


The Commissioner has approved funding for five applications at a total cost of £7,750.

Date of Decision:

31st May 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

2013-05-CAF 2013-05-Appendix-A

Decision Maker:


Decision Ref:



2012/13 Revenue and Capital Outturn


The Commissioner has:

1) noted the total in-year underspend of £5.608m on the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Revenue budget and the year-end position on reserves;

2) approved the following transfers to reserves;

£2.229m of the end of year underspend to the transition reserve to support the ongoing programme of organisational reviews that are needed to drive out savings in future years.

£0.892m of the end of year underspend on the non-DFM budget to general reserves

A contribution of £0.060m to the vehicle replacement reserve

£2m from the funding equalisation reserve into general reserves

Approved the increase in the vehicle replacement programme of £0.101m to be funded by contributions from revenue budget contributions.

Approved the write-off to the Constabulary DFM budget of obsolete uniform and equipment stock in the amount of £0.020m

Noted the underspend of £6.447m on the capital programme and agree that £6.125m be carried forward into 2013/14 to enable those projects that have been deferred or have slipped to be completed.

Noted the transfers between schemes within the capital programme in 2012/13

Date of Decision:

24th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

DEL 2013/01


Provision of Legal Services


That the Chief Executive, under delegated powers in accordance with Article 8 of the Interim Scheme of Goverance has agreed to:

1) enter into a Service Level Agreement with Preston City Council for the provision of legal advice and support to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) between 1 May 2013 and 31 March 2014, at an equivalent annual cost of £11,560 (£55.60 per hour at 4 hours per week); and

2) waive Standing Order 2.1.2 to enable the Chief Executive to enter in the contract without obtaining written quotations or inviting tenders.

Date of Decision:

24th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

13-06-03-Provision-of-Legal-Services 2013-01-Legal-Services-SLA-Appendix-A

Decision Maker:

The Chief Executive

Decision Ref:

DEL 2013/02


Extension of the current Sub Lease of Unit 10, Lockside Office Park, Riversway, Preston, Lancashire


The Chief Executive, under delegated authority, has agreed to extend the current Sub Lease of Unit 10, Lockside Office Park, Riversway, Preston, Lancashire with Errigal Investments Limited until 31 March 2014 on the same Terms and Conditions as set out in the current Sub Lease.

Date of Decision:

25th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

The Chief Executive

Decision Ref:

DEL 2013/03


Settlement of a Claim


The Chief Executive, under delegated authority, has approved the payment of damages and costs in respect of a civil claim and approved the settlement of any remaining costs either by agreement at the most reasonable level or through detailed assessment proceedings.

Date of Decision:

26th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company.

Decision Maker:

The Chief Executive

Decision Ref:

DEL 2013/04


Agreement to engage the services of NW Employers for the provision of HR advice and support to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner between 14 June 2013 and 31 March 2014


That the Chief Executive, under delegated authority has agreed to:

1) Engage the services for the provision of HR advice and support to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) between 14 June 2013 and 31 March 2014; and

2) waive Standing Order 2.1.2 to enable the Chief Executive to engage the services of North West Employers without obtaining written quotations or inviting tenders.

Date of Decision:

25th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

The Chief Executive

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/06


Settlement of a claim


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to negotiate the settlement of damages and solicitor costs in relation to a claim in respect of a civil claim.

Date of Decision:

26th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – This decision contains information which relates to or includes commercial, financial or business interests of the Police & Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/07


Microsoft SQL Database Licensing


In order to provide the Constabulary with a programme to license existing SQL data base servers which use Microsoft SQL software, the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under delegated authority, has entered into a new Microsoft Enrolment for Application Agreement to replace the existing agreement which had expired.

Date of Decision:

26th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/08


EU Project Assessing Vulnerable Victims


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer has entered into a collaboration agreement with UCLAN for the Assessing Vulnerable Victims project, in order that funds of £40,000 can be released from UCLAN to Constabulary.

Date of Decision:

26th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

Decision Maker:

Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/09


Purchase of Evolution Software Package


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer has agreed to purchase ‘Process Flows’, an evidence-based decision making software system, from Specialist Computer Centres PLC, at a cost of £38,745.08.

Date of Decision:

26th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/10


Contract for the Provision of Monitoring of Temporary Alarms


In order to comply with the Constabulary’s security monitoring process policy for victims of domestic abuse, the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.22 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to enter into a framework contract for the provision of the monitoring of temporary alarms, arranged by Greater Manchester Police, on behalf of all police forces in the UK, at an estimated cost per annum of £25,660.

Date of Decision:

26th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/11


Settlement of a claim


The Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.55 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to negotiate the settlement of solicitor costs in relation to a civil claim.

Date of Decision:

26th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted

RESTRICTED – Information relating to this decision is restricted as it contains information which is subject to legal privilege; relates to or includes personal information; financial interests of the Police and Crime Commissioner or any other person or company

Decision Maker:

Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer

Decision Ref:

CFO 2013/12


ENC Centera Replacement and Consolidation


In order to provide safe and secure facilities, the Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer, under Article 8.24 of the Interim Scheme of Governance, has agreed to the purchase of archive storage for the new Contact Management ICCS, for essential storage of audio files of telephone and radio conversations to evidential standards.

Date of Decision:

26th June 2013

Decision Papers/Reason for Restricted


Decision Maker:

Chief Constable’s Chief Finance Officer
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