The training, funded by Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw, is usually delivered as part of an interactive play which the theatre company delivers to a live audience. With the pandemic still ongoing partners worked together to look at alternative ways of making the training available to professionals in the county.
Mr Grunshaw said: “These are challenging times but it is important that we continue to tackle modern day slavery despite the additional challenges brought on by the pandemic.
“I am pleased to say that by working together we have found a way to do things differently to ensure that the training can go ahead and reach our partners across Lancashire.
“We know that there are vulnerable victims out there and every organisation taking part in this session has a role to play in taking the necessary action to protect them.
“By ensuring that professionals can spot the signs and know where to go for support we can help victims to break free and bring offenders to justice.”
Sion Hall, Chair of the Pan Lancashire Anti-Slavery Partnership added: “Modern day slavery is a terrible crime that robs those affected of their freedom and dignity.
“By working together and training professionals we are continuing to ensure that we keep the issue at the forefront of people’s minds so that they can recognise it when they come across it and take appropriate action.”
Jude Spooner, Managing Director of the Rah Rah Theatre Company said: “We are really proud to be part of this important work to help those entrapped by modern day slavery.
“Delivering the training online is a different way of working for us but we have been able to adapt to ensure that the powerful message of our play will still come across.
“Moving online doesn’t mean that we can’t engage with the audience so we are excited to deliver a truly interactive session to help tackle modern day slavery here in Lancashire.” Agencies taking part in the training will include Lancashire Police, staff from local councils, housing associations, Lancashire Victim Services, specialist domestic abuse services, football clubs and local charities.