18th March 2022

Road Safety the focus as Deputy PCC joins students in Ribble Valley

A number of young people from Bowland High School were joined by Deputy Commissioner Andy Pratt MBE, who is also the chair of the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership, stakeholders local officers in West Bradford.

Students were shown how to use portable speed devices and monitored driver behaviour around speeding and other potential offences including use of mobile phones and seatbelts.

A number of drivers were also spoken to by students and officers, with students also thanking members of the public who were driving safely.

Speaking after the activity, the Deputy Commissioner said:

“Anyone who drives a vehicle dangerously can have a detrimental affect on many people. Excess speed in particular impacts on everyone and this work with the school and the police is a great example of education and road safety working together.’

“Tackling dangerous driving is one of the key priorities in the Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan, which includes increased enforcement such as that seen recently through Operation Vanquish where in a week of action 60 people were arrested for drink or drug driving, 54 for not wearing a seatbelt and 217 dealt with for speeding.

“Both as Deputy Commissioner and as Chair of the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership, I will continue to support the Commissioner in delivering on this priority, working with stakeholders and ultimately making our roads feel safer wherever in the county you are.”

Laura Fielden, the Headteacher at Bowland High commented on the event.
“It was an excellent opportunity for pupils to be involved in supporting the local community and police ,as well as developing some great employability skills for the future such as communication with the public and diplomacy.
“We hope to continue this link with the community and police  so our pupils feel a sense of belonging and responsibility  to their local area.”

There are currently opportunities to become a Community Road Watch Volunteer – find out more through the Lancashire Volunteer Partnership on their website – https://lancsvp.org.uk/areaofinterest/police/.

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