16th December 2021

Police Commissioner delighted by £11.8m Government cash boost for Lancashire

The recruitment of additional officers has already enabled the Commissioner to commit investment into neighbourhood policing, the creation of a dedicated rape and sexual offences targeting team and extra officers into rural taskforces, alongside other key announcements made during the launch of his Police and Crime Plan last week (9th December).

The settlement for 2022/23 includes an increase in Government grant of £11.8m to £237.3m in Lancashire, with an assumption from the Home Office that council tax precept increases by a maximum of 20p a week based on a band D property to meet other cost pressures and investment outside of the police uplift programme.

Police and crime prevention funding, from both Government grant and local council tax precept, is the highest it has ever been, but equally the challenges and demands on service are far bigger than we have ever seen before.

Andrew Snowden, Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner said:

“The latest settlement and the further confirmation of uplift funding that puts extra officers on our streets is good news for the county and our ability to keep people safe and deliver on my priorities.

“I will continue to work constructively with Priti Patel, Kit Malthouse and Lancashire MPs to secure the best possible outcomes for Lancashire and deliver what the public want to see, more investment and support for policing services that take the fight to criminals.

“I will now work closely with my team and the Chief Constable through the full details of what this announcement means for Lancashire Constabulary and policing, and how we ensure we deliver on our key priorities as I lead the fight against crime and work to deliver the tough on crime, victim focused policing we want to see, in 2022 and beyond.”

Lancashire Constabulary Chief Constable Chris Rowley said: ““I welcome the increase in funding to support policing in Lancashire as we continue to work round the clock to fight and prevent crime and keep our communities safe.

“The extra officers and investment will help us to deliver on our five priorities within the police and crime plan and to put victims at the heart of everything we do.”

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