17th August 2021

Police and Crime Commissioner meets with retailers to discuss retail crime and shopworker abuse

Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Andrew Snowden, has brought together representatives of the retail industry in Lancashire to hear about their issues relating to retail crime.

The roundtable meeting with key stakeholders was part of Andrew’s drive to meet as many communities, businesses and front line police officers to listen to and better understand the issues faced. At the meeting the discussions focussed on retail crime and abuse on shop workers – with the Commissioner seeking a common understanding and way forward in how retail related crime is dealt with in Lancashire.

Commenting, Andrew Snowden said: “I want Lancashire’s business owners to know that I am on their side and their voice is being heard. I am committed to leading the fight on crime and antisocial behaviour that affects our businesses and retailers.

“Today’s discussion will feed into and shape my police and crime plan and I look forward to working with businesses across Lancashire to see how we can best deal with business crime and shopworker abuse.

“I recognise that what may be considered petty theft to some has a real impact on people’s livelihoods and the confidence they have to report crimes. We also need to remember that shoplifting and theft is often a by product of deeper problems. As Police and Crime Commissioner I want to tackle the underlying problems of addiction and abuse, not just the symptoms which is sadly too often crime committed in our communities.

“Hearing from retailers about how crime affects their business reinforces my commitment for Lancashire residents to have a proper local neighbourhood presence in their towns to deal with the scourge of shoplifters and fraudsters who cost our local businesses millions of pounds in lost sales and stock each year.

Edwin Booth CBE DL, Chair and CEO of E.H. Booth and Co and High Sheriff of Lancashire said ““Retail crime takes many forms and the welfare of our colleagues and customers is of prime importance. In all cases we try to make it as easy as possible for the Police to support us by providing clear statements and HR video records. Booths’ colleagues are trained to handle situations with due care to prevent escalation and harm to individuals”

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Email: commissioner@lancashire-pcc.gov.uk