28th October 2021

Lancashire's Police and Commissioner welcomes Budget 2021

Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner has welcomed the latest Budget announcement which provides a real term increase for police funding in Lancashire.

The budget contained a three-year funding settlement, providing certainty and allowing for long term planning to enable investment and a focus on resourcing priority crimes like county lines, domestic abuse and burglary.

The Government also reaffirmed their commitment to invest to fully deliver on the Police Uplift Programme bringing more police officers onto our streets to fight crime and keep communities safe.

Lancashire has once again exceeded its national target to recruit extra officers, with 307 joining through the police uplift programme by the end of September 2021.

Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Andrew Snowden said:

“I am encouraged to see this budget provides a real term increase in police funding, alongside lots more opportunities to bid for additional funding to fight crime and support victims.

“I was particularly pleased to see the Chancellor recognise the police’s contribution during the pandemic; putting their lives on the line, officers and staff have sacrificed so much to keep our communities safe.

“There was good news on pay for police officers and staff, with the releasing of the public sector pay freeze but there is still lots of detail to work through and I am really keen that officers and staff get a good and strong pay award that is supported by Government over the coming years.

“I know the public want to see more investment and support for policing services so I will now be working with the Chief Constable to understand what this Budget means for Lancashire ahead of the police Settlement announcement in December.

Chief Constable Chris Rowley said: “I welcome this announcement and whilst we will need to wait and see what the full details look like, it is a positive endorsement for policing by the government. It enables us to continue in our sustained efforts to fight and prevent crime and keep Lancashire communities safe.”

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