9th March 2022

Commissioner welcomes Op Vanquish results as part of dangerous driving push


After launching as part of the force’s response to the Police and Crime Plan, Op Vanquish has this time been taking the fight to those who use the roads dangerously or for criminality.

Results from the week of action:

  • Arrested 60 people for drink or drug-driving, including 22 just yesterday (Sunday)
  • Caught 54 people not wearing a seatbelt
  • Dealt with 217 people for speeding
  • Stopped 15 people who were driving while using a mobile phone
  • Found 72 cars on the road without an MOT
  • Seized vehicles from 82 people for driving without insurance or a licence
  • Given traffic offence reports to 229 people and summonsed 79 people to court
  • Recovered and returned several stolen vehicles to their rightful owners.

Included in those figures are a motorist in a stolen car who was signalled to stop in Nelson, but made off from police. He was caught up with a short time later in Brierfield after a strategic stop led to the driver crashing the vehicle and fleeing on foot. One person was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs and for possession of drugs.

The figures also include two drivers both found with large amounts of cash on them – estimated to be well over £100k in total – and a driver in Blackpool who sped through a red light in front of a police car.

Andrew Snowden, Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner said:

“I was really pleased to get out and about with officers during the latest dedicated week of action through Operation Vanquish, this time with a focus on targeting dangerous driving in all its forms.

“As an important part of the Chief Constable’s response to my Police and Crime Plan, Operation Vanquish demonstrates how we are tackling crime and that the force is proactively addressing my priorities for policing.

“This week’s surge of extra activity on our roads has seen those driving at very high speeds, under the influence of drink or drugs, using mobile phone and a range of other potential offences targeted, all part of keeping people safe on all our roads.

“This is exactly what the public want to see, our officers out actively addressing the issues that matter most to them and making Lancashire safer. I will continue to back the Chief Constable with the resources he needs to take the fight to criminals and keep people safe.”

Ch Supt Wendy Bower, who leads the Lancashire Police TacOps team, said: “We know that the majority of people follow the rules of the road and to those people we say a big thankyou.

“However a minority seem to think they can get away with driving dangerously, and we hope this week of action shows that we take this extremely seriously.

“The work will not stop just because this surge activity has come to an end and we will continue to be out and about, stopping and robustly dealing with those who put themselves and others at risk.

“The figures from the last week also tell us that some people don’t seem to be getting the message, so we would also urge anybody with information about dangerous driving to let us know. Perhaps you think someone you know regularly drives under the influence of drink or drugs, or is using the road network to courier drugs or stolen vehicles. Whatever information you have, please tell us.”

Anybody with information is asked to get in touch on 101, or you can report it online at doitonline.lancashire.police.uk.



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