6th December 2021

Commissioner welcomes MP to celebrate opening of Kirkham front counter

PCC Andrew Snowden, Mark Menzies MP, Inspector Mick Jones

At the same time, Andrew announced improvements to the local policing model including a dedicated neighbourhood team and extra officers delivering additional capacity for proactive police work in the area.

Andrew and Mark Menzies MP discussed local issues for Kirkham and the Borough of Fylde as well as the work that is being done to address them. They also discussed the development of Andrew’s Police and Crime Plan, set to launch next week, and how it will continue to deliver on the priorities that are most important to people.

Andrew said: “It’s been great to hear the positive reaction since Kirkham Police Station front counter reopened to the public after being closed for several years. Together with the changes to neighbourhood policing this will make a real difference for Fylde residents.

“I know that people really value being able to talk to officers face to face and it helps local residents feel confident that the police will be there when they need them.

“We are continuing to take a fair and balanced approach that ensures each borough has access to a police front desk, whilst balancing resources against the priority of getting officers onto our streets and getting tough on crime. This is what the public want to see and what we’re going to deliver.

“I have pledged to lead the fight against crime here in Lancashire and this is another exciting step in delivering on this promise. I will continue to work closely with the Chief Constable to deliver on the priorities in my Police and Crime Plan and to ensure that the investment in new officers through the Government uplift is used to tackle crime head on and to leave nowhere to hide for criminals anywhere in Lancashire.”

Mark Menzies MP added: “The reopening of Kirkham front counter, combined with the changes to neighbourhood policing, is great news and something my constituents will welcome. I know that this is what Fylde residents want to see and it is right that they can once again can access the police face to face, without leaving the borough.

“I will continue to work with Andrew to make Fylde safer and to tackle the issues that really matter to people who contact me such as anti-social behaviour, drug dealing and violent crime.”

As of 22 November, an additional two sergeants and four dedicated neighbourhood officers are covering Fylde, allowing extra capacity for proactive police work.

The neighbourhood officers are working alongside the existing 12 police community support officers (PCSOs) to focus on engagement, problem solving and targeting work. The immediate response team is made up of 3 sergeants and 15 officers – taking the total dedicated officers and PCSOs in Fylde to 36, backed up by the broader resources of West Division as needed.

Kirkham front counter closed in 2018, alongside a number of other front counters across the county as part of a series of cost saving measures. The front counter will be open to members of the public Monday to Friday between 9am and 1pm. Please note the following services will not be available at Kirkham Police Station – the registration of sex offenders, producing documents requested by a police officer, reporting for bail or reclaiming seized vehicles.

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