14th June 2021

Commissioner visits digital hub helping the force crack down on crime

He was shown around the digital hub at Police Headquarters in Hutton, meeting the different teams who help bring criminals to justice and keep vulnerable people safe.

These included the digital forensics team who analyse tens of thousands of devices each year such as mobile phones, tablets and laptops, and the dedicated cyber-crime team who work across a wide range of incidents such as ransomware and online fraud.

The Commissioner gained an insight into the different areas of expertise that the force’s digital capabilities include and saw some of the equipment that is used in the process of a digital investigation, how evidence is gathered and the use of CCTV footage.

He also tried some of the Virtual Reality software being used to train officers and engage in communities, particularly young people through for example schools, around the work that Lancashire Constabulary does to keep people safe.

Following his visit the Commissioner said:

“It was fantastic to meet officers and staff who all play crucial, and varied, roles within the Digital Investigations hub that plays a key part in supporting our front line officers get tough on criminals and get them off our streets.

“So much of modern policing involves a digital element and as I lead the fight against crime here in Lancashire, it is clear that the dedicated people who make up this digital hub will play a pivotal role in making our county as safe as possible.

” I will support the force in cracking down on criminals, making sure all of Lancashire’s areas and communities feel protected and work with the Chief Constable on the issues that matter to people, such as anti-social behaviour and getting tough on reoffending.”

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