20th October 2021

Commissioner uses cash seized from criminals to fund new crime fighting kit for cops

The Commissioner visited training and took part himself in the session taking place at Police Headquarters, which sees officers from the Armed Response Unit, who sit within the Tactical Operations team, trained on equipment including high-powered grinders and cutters. This equipment prevents an alternative method of entry when others would not be appropriate or successful.

By investing in extra equipment, more officers can be trained and able to utilise this technique, which can be used when urgent entry is needed, including into buildings, cars, or storage units.

The increased capability to use battery powered cutting equipment that can get through large chains and other barriers, brings additional flexibility on operations and means more people can be trained up to use it.

Speaking at the training session, the Commissioner said:

“Being able to fund this additional kit through money that has been seized from criminals to help us further crack down on crime and criminal gangs is an almost poetic irony that shows no expense is spared in the battle to make Lancashire a safer place and ensure they are fully equipped for this fight.

“Since becoming Commissioner I have met officers and staff working in diverse roles across the force, with their dedication to keeping the people of Lancashire safe being constantly clear. I experienced the training for myself to better understand how this funding is making a difference and how it is applied out in the real world.

“Hearing how important these tactics are and seeing the variety of different situations they can be used in, is another example of the various challenges and problems that our officers have to address and solve, day in and day out. I am committed to supporting the Chief Constable and Lancashire Constabulary as I lead the fight against crime.”

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