12th March 2021

Commissioner supports Restorative Justice pledge

Restorative Justice, where a victim has the opportunity to meet the offender involved, can provide a chance to get answers following a crime, tell the person responsible how they have been impacted and often, help victims start to move on with their lives.

The pledge, from National Restorative Justice charity ‘Why Me?’ asks PCCs to commit to working to ensure Restorative Justice is an option for all victims, allowing them to make a choice of whether they would want to take part.

The Commissioner has held events dedicated to raising awareness of Restorative Justice, engaging police and justice professionals, whilst also supporting the force as they gained the training Provider Quality Mark (TPQM) accreditation from the Restorative Justice Council, highlighting the high standards set here in Lancashire in restorative training delivery.

Mr Grunshaw said:

“I’m pleased to back any campaign that raises awareness of the benefits that the Restorative Justice process can have. It provides a way for victims to start moving forward and to seek some answers, whilst also gives offenders a chance to face up to what they have done and reform. We know that it has stopped career criminals from offending again and everyone benefits in those situations.

Anything that helps more people access these services can only be a good thing, supporting those who choose to go down the path of Restorative Justice, which I am confident is a positive step towards making our communities better, safer places to live, and to giving victims of crime and anti-social behaviour a real voice.

“The team at Lancashire police and Lancashire Victim Services can offer the advice and support people need to take this difficult but often important step.

Lucy Jaffé, Director of Why me? said:

“Restorative Justice transforms the recovery of people affected by crime. Taking part is a deeply personal choice, which every victim of crime should be able to explore for themself. But too many people are never told about this opportunity, despite their entitlement to information under the Victims’ Code. It’s fantastic that PCC Grunshaw has signed our pledge to support greater access to restorative services for people affected by crime.”

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