20th October 2023

Commissioner Snowden walks beat with officers in Preston City Centre

During the walkaround, the Commissioner heard about the difference the additional policing patrols are making, with 882 additional policing hours spent on the beat in Preston since July, as part of the £2million of additional funding Andrew secured from Government.

Figures up to the end of September also highlighted that these additional patrols have already seen 16 arrests, 373 business visits and 180 incidents attended.

During the visit, the Commissioner visited the areas that have seen spikes in anti-social behaviour, shoplifting and other offences, which he has heard about from both local officers and correspondence into his office.

These additional patrols are having a positive impact for those who live, work or visit the City Centre, and are just one part of Operation Centurion – which is supported by the newly established ASB, Prevention and Problem-Solving Unit, a team of specialist officers including civil enforcement, designing-out crime and business and rural crime experts – funded by the Commissioner.

Speaking afterwards, Police and Crime Commissioner Andrew Snowden said:

“Joining officers on the beat is an important part of my job, listening to those people who are out in our communities and hearing how I can best support them in the fight against crime.

“I have invested into our neighbourhood teams, ensuring they are at the heart of everything the Constabulary does, addressing the unique concerns of different areas like Preston City Centre.

“I will continue to support the Chief Constable with the necessary resources and assistance to target offenders, safeguard the public, and ensure that residents feel a greater sense of security.”

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