30th January 2023

Commissioner leads on advancements against cyber criminals

The Guidance Council oversees the work of the Cyber Resilience Centre (CRC) and is made up of representatives from across policing, the private and public sectors and academia. It seeks to ensure the CRC becomes the trusted and ‘go-to’ place for the North West’s business community to access affordable cybercrime prevention advice.

Building on the work done since the Council was formed in 2019, Andrew Snowden has began his work at the NWCRC by chairing a new board.

His inaugural meeting discussed how the Cyber Resilience Centre is making an ever bigger impact in the small and medium (SME) as well as charity sectors, protecting them from predatory criminals. Discussions chaired by Andrew surrounded how the Centre can be utilised across the region, keeping more SME businesses safe from cyber-attacks. Membership of the CRC continues to grow, with a number of Lancashire businesses signing up recently, which Andrew outlined his passion and commitment to build on.

Andrew Snowden, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire said:

“Cyber crime advances each and every day, in order to keep Lancashire and the North West safe, I am delighted to be working in this role to stop cyber criminals and stay one step ahead.

“It’s great to see the progress the North West Cyber Resilience Centre has made over the last twelve months and I’m excited to see how, over the next year, we can crack down on online crime even further.

“This regional role underpins my Fighting Crime Plan priority to disrupt and dismantle organised crime, as we take the fight to the organised crime gangs that increasingly use digital space as an opportunity to profit from the misery of others.”

DCI Chris Maddocks, Head of Fraud & Cyber Crime at the North West Cyber Resilience Centre said:

“I’d like to express my thanks to Baroness Beverley Hughes for leading our guidance council previously since our inception in 2019. It’s exciting for us now to continue to branch out across the North West, and we look forward to working with Lancashire PCC Andrew Snowden in continuing to protect our local businesses from online crime.”

For more information on the work of the North West Cyber Resilience Forum, visit https://www.nwcrc.co.uk/


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